How to cleanse the body with what is in any kitchen

How simple and “tasty” to clean the blood, intestines and gallbladder.

We always have at hand products that can make us healthier, more beautiful and younger. We can cleanse our body in passing, without straining and even enjoying.

“To begin with, let’s figure out what and what we clean,” says Yulia Chumicheva. – I’ll say right away: the statement that over time the body becomes clogged with slags is far from medicine. But at the same time, there are a number of products that can have a healing effect on the body. Our beauty and youth are highly dependent on good bowel function. Therefore, in order to avoid stagnant processes when digesting food, we clean it with fiber. It has a stimulating effect on intestinal motility and the state of the intestinal microflora. Foods with fiber content should be present in the diet every day, and if you decide to lose weight and improve your health, then it is with increasing the amount of fiber that you need to start. “

Nutritionists cite three main sources of plant fiber:

• Vegetables

A girl’s best friend in health matters is any seasonal vegetables in your region. In our case, these are carrots, cabbage of all kinds, onions, radishes, eggplants, zucchini, leeks, beets, and so on. Take a look in your refrigerator: what could you make a fresh vegetable salad right now?

• Fruits

Sheer joy and pleasure: apples, pears, peaches, watermelon, melon, figs, kiwi, mango, plums and so on. In the ripening season we eat fresh, in winter we buy dried fruits.

• Greens and legumes

Beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas – look for these gold placers on the shelves of supermarkets and do not forget to look into the green section. We need green onions, cilantro, parsley, dill, basil, leafy and head salads.

• Bran

In fact, this is a waste of milling production, crushed grain shell. But this is the case when the shell is almost more valuable than the “filling”. Brans are wheat, barley, buckwheat, rye and so on.

“Note, that an increase in crude fiber can lead to bloating and exacerbation of a number of gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, thermally processed vegetables and fruits will bring you more benefit. For example, baked apples contain a lot of pectin – these are soft soluble dietary fibers that regulate intestinal function well, ”comments gastroenterologist Yulia Chumicheva.

We offer you a simple but original life hack: to avoid stagnation of digestive products in the intestines, add a little coarsely grated carrots to your food. Do the same when you eat something non-dietary – fried meat, kebabs and the like – the fiber of raw carrots will help heavy foods to leave the body sooner.

“The next problem is congestion in the gallbladder. Up to 70% of our population suffers from this misfortune. We need mildly acting choleretic products, ”says our expert.

Choleretic products recommended by our expert:

• Infusion of rose hips

The fruits of this plant are rich in vitamins (especially vitamin C), pectins, flavonoids, organic acids, tannins. Its infusion improves heart function, strengthens the immune system and, of course, helps with bile stagnation.

• Vegetable oil

Olive is best. Quite ideal – extra virgin, that is, the first cold pressing. It has the optimal content of omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for us.

“There are simple and affordable ways to rid the body of toxins, lower blood sugar and cleanse blood vessels,” continues Yulia Chumicheva. “And healthy blood vessels are our longevity and youth.”

The gastroenterologist recommends remembering 4 products that help cleanse the blood and blood vessels.

• Natural cinnamon

A spice highly revered in both Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. The crushed bark of the Cinnamomum Verum tree is able to lower blood sugar and “bad” cholesterol levels.

• Green beans

The so-called asparagus beans (young pods) are unique in that they do not absorb toxins from the environment during growth. This is a real storehouse of vitamins, especially folic acid. Due to its high potassium content, this variety of legumes has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the entire circulatory system.

• Oyster mushrooms

Thanks to the lovastatin they contain, these mushrooms, which are not too expensive and available all year round, are capable of removing “bad” cholesterol from the blood, and nicotinic acid in their composition strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

• Sea fish

Fatty fish from cold waters – herring, salmon, herring, mackerel – a unique gift of nature. With such a high fat content, the product is ideal for those who need to lower their blood cholesterol levels. And all thanks to the content of omega-3 fatty acids, which ensure the synthesis of “right” cholesterol.

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