How to cleanse the body properly: recipes and expert reviews
It has become fashionable to get rid of toxins and toxins. Especially now, when there is nothing left before the beach season. It’s good that there are a dime a dozen of cleaning recipes on the Internet. But will they be beneficial or harmful? We asked our expert about the most popular techniques.
March 5 2017
Nutritionist at the Institute of Plastic Surgery
The acid-base balance, which is so often talked about in advertising for shampoos and soaps, is in our entire body, and not just in our skin.
Underoxidized metabolic products can disrupt this balance. And special cleansing helps to restore it and rid the body of poisons. These procedures are prescribed for many diseases, for example, diabetes, hypertension, chronic fatigue syndrome. You can’t just clean it because you wanted to. After all, you do not know in which direction the balance is disturbed: acidic or alkaline, so you can harm yourself. Before you think about cleansing, go through a full examination.
This cleaning is especially popular because it is simple and affordable. You only need to take one tablet of activated charcoal per 10 kg of body weight twice a day for two weeks. Improvement occurs due to the absorbing properties of coal, which absorbs all harmful toxic substances and removes them from the body.
– Activated carbon is, first of all, a medicine that is prescribed in case of poisoning, which means that cleaning with coal is not even a folk, but a medical method. Of course, charcoal isn’t that scary compared to the iodine diets found on the Internet, but this method has not been tested in control groups. There is no scientific evidence for its effectiveness or harmlessness.
Flaxseed oil against toxins
The benefits of linseed oil are legendary. To clean, take 100 g of flaxseed, grind in a coffee grinder, pour 250 g of flaxseed oil, leave to infuse in a dark place for 7 days, shaking occasionally. Take the oil along with the seeds, a tablespoon 3 times a day for ten days, 40-60 minutes before meals.
– Oil, especially linseed oil, is a natural antioxidant. It does an excellent job of excreting bile. But the amount of oil in this cleaning is too much. As a rule, only 50-100 ml are prescribed, which you need to drink in portions: a tablespoon per day, and then take a break for a month. There are no general dosage recommendations for all patients, much depends on the age and the purpose of the cleansing. Therefore, it is impossible to take oil without the supervision of a doctor.
This method promises to cleanse the blood, remove toxins and increase immunity in one day. Prepare a fresh fruit juice mixture the day before cleaning. You should have 900 g of orange juice, the same amount of grapefruit and 200 g of lemon. Mix the juices and add 2 liters of filtered water. Refrigerate.
In the morning on an empty stomach, make an enema with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 liters of water. Drink a laxative, take a shower. After showering, drink 200 g of the juice mixture. Throughout the day, take 0,5 cups of juice every 30 minutes until you have drunk everything. You cannot eat and drink something else this day.
– Firstly, freshly squeezed juice cannot be insisted, it will lose all its vitamin properties. Secondly, such an amount of acidic liquid can cause the most unpredictable consequences. Citruses are great antioxidants, but not in this recipe. Would you like to make a cleansing and toning drink? Take one orange, a quarter of a lemon, half a grapefruit, one kiwi, and half a pineapple. Squeeze out the juice, mix, and sip as you get to work. But keep in mind, if you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this method is contraindicated for you.
A method that never goes out of style, it is especially loved by those who are losing weight. To improve metabolism and get rid of extra pounds, every morning for a month, drink a glass of water with the addition of one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar – weight and toxins will go away.
– Only natural apple cider vinegar, which you made yourself from apples from your own garden, has beneficial properties. But it is impossible to clean even with natural vinegar without examination. It is important to find out in which direction the acid-base balance is disturbed. Otherwise, you can simply poison yourself.
Rosehip decoction is drunk not only for colds, but also to cleanse the body of all that is superfluous.
Put 500 tablespoons of chopped rose hips in a 3 ml thermos. Pour boiling water over and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, pour some of the broth into a glass, add 3 tablespoons of sorbitol to it. Stir and drink in one gulp on an empty stomach. Charge for 20-30 minutes, then finish off the remaining broth without sweeteners. After 40-60 minutes, have breakfast, excluding flour, fatty and meat. Repeat the procedure every 2 days – and so 6 times.
– Rosehip is a well-known antioxidant rich in vitamin C. There is no need to reinvent the wheel and drink it in a special way. Drink instead of tea or add to tea.
Ginger – a metabolic booster
This tart root is considered a real engine of metabolism. It makes a lazy organism wake up and work.
Grind 10–20 g of ginger root and pour 200 ml of water, cover and leave to infuse in a warm place for two weeks. Add another 200 ml of water to the ginger drink and take a third of a glass on an empty stomach 2 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals – and so on for 6 days.
– From such insistence, the ginger will deteriorate and ferment. If you pour it with alcohol, all the benefits will disappear, however, as well as from boiling water. Everything fresh loses 70-80% of vitamins when brewed. Better to make a fruit salad and grate some ginger root into it, or add chopped ginger to the juice. There will be more benefits.