How to cleanse the body of toxins?

Life in modern civilization promotes the absorption of many harmful substances into the body. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and exhaust fumes are just some of the factors that can make our bodies build up toxins. Since many of them cannot be completely eliminated from everyday life, it is worth considering home remedies to cleanse the body of toxins.

Diets that cleanse the body of toxins

If we experience constant fatigue, decreased immunity or deterioration of the skin and hair condition, it may be a sign that it is time to getting rid of toxins from the body. Such detox it can have a positive effect on your well-being and even help you lose a few unnecessary kilograms. Before the introduction of the special a diet that cleans the body of toxins however, you should prepare yourself accordingly.

The first step is to discontinue certain foods that may be interfering with the process cleansing the body. It is best to do it three days before starting detox. Ingredients that are incompatible with the cleansing of the body are:

  1. Red meat,
  2. milk, eggs and other animal products,
  3. wheat flour,
  4. caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, cola and energy drinks
  5. alcohol.

During detox you should also refrain from smoking. It can be difficult, but it’s also important to know that smokers are the best time to go cleansing the body it is the moment to quit the addiction.

Then, you can gradually introduce supporting ingredients to the menu cleansing the body of toxins. For starters, consider dishes such as light vegetable soups, fruit smoothies, and salads. If we need extra calories and fiber, different types of groats can be the solution: millet, pearl barley or barley. A very useful ingredient is also lemon, which has a positive effect on deacidification of the body and intestinal peristalsis. It is enough to drink a glass of warm water every morning on an empty stomach with half a lemon squeezed out.

After such preparation, we can implement one of the many body cleansing diets. We can choose, among others:

  1. A varied cleansing diet. It lasts two weeks, during which we gradually include new ingredients in the menu. During the first 3 days, we eat only vegetables and fruit, necessarily raw or steamed, and drink fruit and vegetable juices. On day 4, we include fermented milk products such as yogurt, kefir and buttermilk. On the 6th day of the diet, we add cereal products to the menu: groats, rice or oatmeal. From the 8th day, we also eat lean cottage cheese. Only on the 10th day we can eat fish, and from the 12th day it is allowed to replace it with poultry meat, necessarily cooked.
  2. A juice diet in which we drink up to a liter of fresh fruit and vegetable juices a day for two weeks, and eat the most easily digestible meals.
  3. The grain diet. It takes about 12 days, during which we only eat cooked grains of wheat or wild rice. You can supplement it with parsley or sprouts.
  4. The express variant is the apple diet, in which we only eat apples for 1-2 days, and only drink apple juice and green tea.

In choosing the right one a diet that cleans the body of toxins First of all, consultation with a dietitian will help.

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If not a diet, then what?

If we do not feel the need for a special application cleansing diet or for some reason we do not have such a possibility, a practical solution is to include at least a few products in the menu that support excretion of toxins from the body. These include pickled products such as cabbage or cucumbers, fermented dairy products such as yoghurt or kefir, cranberries, beets, and other high-fiber fruits and vegetables. Make sure you drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters), as well as about one cup of green tea a day.

A very effective way to detox with a minimum expenditure of effort and time is body detox herbs. Many of them have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, where the most harmful substances accumulate. Moreover, they are very easy to use – it is enough to drink a glass of infusion once a day. If we buy several different herbs by weight, we can even make drinking mixtures at once for convenience. The best herbs for cleansing the body of toxins are:

  1. field horsetail, which has a diuretic effect and detoxifies the body,
  2. purges – flushes heavy metals out of the body; it should be used especially by residents of highly urbanized areas,
  3. chamomile helps to remove intestinal deposits and facilitates defecation,
  4. mint improves digestive processes,
  5. Milk thistle should be of interest to people who happen to overdo alcohol, its compounds help remove toxins that contribute to malaise “the day after”; also has a protective effect on the liver,
  6. nettle supports metabolism, especially removing fluid from the body. Recommended for people complaining of swelling and swelling limbs.

Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns. When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in specific nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be devastating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and may also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

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