How to clean your dishwasher

How to clean the dishwasher if more than a year has passed since the purchase? Neglecting the care of the PMM, you contribute to the deterioration of the quality of the sink, and subsequently to the breakdown of equipment. We will tell you how to properly clean dishwashers at home.

Manual or automatic cleaning

Nothing complicated: buy a cleanser, run a wash cycle and the dishwasher sparkles clean. But do not forget about physical cleaning. In this article, you will learn how to clean the dishwasher manually and automatically.

How to clean the PMM from food debris

The manufacturer indicates in the instructions the rules for operating the equipment. An important point is the removal of food residues from the devices before loading into the chamber. Not a single powder can remove debris clogged in the drain filter. Therefore, you must represent the sequence of work.

Follow this scheme:

  • Close the shut-off valve and unplug the dishwasher.
  • Open the chamber door, take out all the baskets.
  • Чтобы удалить с корзин жир и грязь, замочите их в ванной с моющим средством.
  • Remove the upper and lower spray arms, rinse the nozzles under running water. You can use a toothpick to remove dirt from the holes.
  • Unscrew the drain filter and the metal mesh behind it. Wash the parts under the tap using a soft brush.
  • Remove the cover from the filter seat to get to the pump.
  • Inspect the impeller for clogging.
  • Disconnect the inlet hose.
  • Снимите фильтр-сеточку. Если он сильно забился ржавчиной и накипью, положите его в раствор лимонной кислоты на 10-15 минут.
  • You can wash the inside of the hopper wall with a sponge and detergent. Just don’t use hand wash gel, otherwise it will foam too much when starting the machine.

It is forbidden to use abrasive powders, hard metal sponges to clean the stainless steel chamber.

How to deal with mold

Most often it is formed from excess moisture. To avoid the appearance of mold, it is enough to adhere to simple rules:

  1. Leave the door open at the end of the cycle.
  2. Wipe the hopper with a dry cloth, especially the rubber cuff of the door.

To wash the PMM tank from mold, you will need additional funds, for example, home ones. How to wash the camera:

  • Dampen a rag with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Wipe off any moldy areas.
  • Leave it on for 1,5-2 hours.
  • Now put on gloves and re-wipe the mold with Whiteness.
  • Rinse the machine with warm water or run a short wash cycle.

How to get rid of scale

The degree of water hardness directly affects the rate of scale formation in dishwashers. Limescale deposits on the internal parts of the machine, causing damage. To soften water, it is recommended to use special salt. Its components attract heavy impurities.

To combat scale in PMM Bosch (Bosch), Hans, Ariston, Electrolux, you can use citric acid. Pour 200 g into the detergent drawer, start the wash cycle. Repeat every six months. Read more about the fight against scale in a separate article.

If you have finished manual cleaning, then it’s time to move on to automatic washing and get acquainted with store-bought cleaning products.

How to clean dishwasher

Once the machine is rid of debris and food residue, you can use an automatic detergent. Which cleaner to choose? We have reviewed the most effective powders and gels.

Calgonit Fusion Power

Gel cleaner from Finish manufacturers has two layers – blue and white. This is the first gel in the world that works in two directions at the same time. The blue layer is responsible for ridding the PMM parts of grease, the white layer removes scale and prevents its further appearance.

The cost of a bottle of 250 ml – from 270 rubles.

Users note that Calgonit from Finish does an excellent job with the tasks. But in hard-to-reach places you have to wash with your own hands.

Finish Rinse

Japanese-made detergent has a concentrated composition. Effectively removes scale from the heater and other elements of the dishwasher, extends the service life. It also neutralizes odors and copes with small blockages. It is recommended to pour only into the detergent powder / gel dispenser.

The price of a bottle of 60 ml is from 400 rubles.

Frau Schmidt

Combined powder for washing machine and dishwasher. Also available in tablet form. Deletes a limy raid, fat, pollution, the remains of food.

How often can you use “Frau Schmidt”? The manufacturer recommends cleaning once every 1 months in case of high water hardness. If the water is soft, then 3 time in 1 months. How much to pour means is indicated on the package. For dishwashers, 6 bag is used. The contents can be poured directly into the chamber and the wash can be started.

Price from 200 rubles.

Users in the reviews agreed that “Frau Schmidt” is affordable, it is convenient to use it for washing machines. But for dishwashers, the powder does not have the desired effect: it does not cope well with fat, it leaves a chemical smell.


Multi-Purpose Fluid removes grease and clogged drain filters. Deals with old dirt.

Topperr is convenient to use and does not need to be dosed. It is enough to turn the bottle in the washing chamber and start the program. The liquid will gradually pour out and clean the machine.

The cost of a bottle of 250 ml is from 230 rubles.

Consumers consider Topperr to be an effective remedy. However, many are confused by the strong smell from the chamber after washing.


Концентрат для безопасной борьбы с накипью и загрязнениями на деталях ПММ. Очистит дренажный фильтр и сливной шланг от жировых отложений, устранит неприятные запахи. Выпускается в форме порошка, тогда достаточно присыпать им поддон камеры, и геля.

Packing powder 250 g costs from 400 rubles. A bottle of liquid 250 ml – from 300 rubles.

Users claim the effectiveness of the detergent Filtero. At the same time, the powder is too aggressive due to the high concentration of phosphates.


Liquid for cleaning the internal parts of the machine from scale and dirt. After processing leaves an invisible protective film on the surface. This prevents the formation of mold and the growth of microorganisms. UniPlus can be used for both automatic and manual washing.

A bottle of 250 ml costs from 400 rubles.

Buyers note that UniPlus liquid copes with pollution no worse than other detergents. At the same time, it contains 5% less surfactants and phosphates. Affordable cost, but enough for one application.


Liquid made in Germany. Intensively protects and prevents further deposition of dirt. Copes with unpleasant odors in the bunker, and also cleans parts, heater, pipes from scale and dirt.

The price for 250 ml is from 180 rubles. This is the most accessible tool.

According to users, Domax copes well with fatty contaminants, but does not remove scale and old stains.

Now you know how to clean the inside of the dishwasher. There is an alternative to store-bought powders – homemade detergent.

home cleaning

There are many tips on the net for making cleaning powders at home. It is important to choose one that effectively removes dirt and does not harm the equipment. Here are some tried and tested recipes from our users:

  • Soda and vinegar. First remove the lower basket from the hopper, remove the drain filter and remove the rocker. Rinse the filter and sprayer under running water with a brush. Install the parts in place. Sprinkle the bottom and sides of the dishwasher with baking soda. Place a container of vinegar in the pan. Start the wash program at 60 degrees.
  • The same sequence of actions, only borax is used instead of soda and vinegar. Sprinkle borax powder on surfaces, rubber bands, seals. Start a long program at a high temperature.

You can make your own washing tablets. To do this, mix part of the soda and hydrogen peroxide until a slurry is formed. Add some essential oil. Put the mixture in the freezer for a short while. As soon as it thickens, form a ball and put it in the basket. Run long mode.

After studying user reviews, choose the right tool at your discretion. Do not forget to carry out a general cleaning of the PMM at least once every six months. After watching the video, you will learn how to avoid equipment breakdown:

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