How to clean your cat’s ears properly at home
Ear cleaning is a necessary hygiene procedure for every cat. Since the animal itself is not able to cope with it, this responsibility falls on its owners. But in order to complete the procedure without harming the pet, it is important to know how to properly clean the ears of a cat or cat.
Knowing how to properly clean a cat’s ears will not harm your pet.
When should you clean your ears?
Depending on the cat’s breed and lifestyle, the required frequency of this procedure can vary from 3-4 times a week to once a month. In short, the more active the pet leads and the larger its ears, the more often the owner needs to look into them.
On average, if the animal is healthy, it is necessary to examine and clean the ears of cats at least once a week.
When it is obvious that something in the ears is causing discomfort to the pet, he shakes his head or tries to scratch his ear with his paw, inspection and cleaning should be carried out immediately.
How to clean your cat’s ears at home
It is necessary to teach a cat to examine and clean its ears from a young age, so that it takes this procedure calmly. Before cleaning, you need to caress the animal so that it relaxes, and then treat it with something tasty, so that the procedure is associated with pleasant impressions.
What you need to clean your cat’s ears:
- gauze swabs or cotton pads;
- special gel for cleaning the ears. In the absence of it, you can use hydrogen peroxide or baby oil without fragrances;
- small flashlight (optional);
- a towel to cover the cat with, this will make it easier to keep it still.
First, you need to gently cover the cat with a towel to immobilize its body and head. If she jerks violently, she can injure her ear. It is more convenient for one person to hold the cat neatly and the other to examine it.
To inspect your ears from the inside, you need to turn them out. It doesn’t hurt the cat. When examining, you need to pay attention to dark deposits inside the auricle, spots, bumps and scratches. Healthy ears have a uniform light color, spots and a large accumulation of dirt are a sign of the disease.
After dipping a cotton pad folded into a tube in the gel, you need to carefully remove dirt and wax, moving from the inside of the ear to the outside. This is quite enough for preventive cleaning if the ears are healthy.
You cannot go deeper into the ear canal than 1 cm.
If the examination reveals sores or incomprehensible spots, you need to consult a veterinarian. He will be able to diagnose, prescribe medication and explain how to properly handle the ears until they are completely healed.
Knowing how to clean a cat’s ears so as not to harm him, every loving owner will be able to take even better care of his pet.