How to clean white fabric sneakers
Fabric sneakers always look stylish and bright. Only such shoes get dirty very quickly, so they need to be cleaned very often. In this article, we will show you how to clean colored and white sneakers from fabric and what tools to use for this.
How to clean white fabric sneakers?
Before you start cleaning your white fabric sneakers, you need to prepare your shoes for this procedure:
- remove laces and insoles from the sneakers. They are washed separately;
- clean the sole of the accumulation of dirt with warm water and a rag (or an old toothbrush);
- clean the sneakers from dust using a damp cloth.
Only after these preparatory steps can you proceed directly to bringing the shoes back to their original form.
How to clean white fabric sneakers
You can use the following methods:
- wash in a washing machine. It is better to wash fabric sneakers not with ordinary powder, but with bleaching powder. For washing, you must select a special mode for sneakers (if any) and set the temperature to 30-40 ° C. It is not recommended to use the spin function;
- in order not to damage the parts of the washing machine and not spoil the sneakers, it is better to wrap the shoes with a cloth or place them in a washing bag, and only then start washing them. After washing, dry sports shoes on the street or balcony, hanging them by the tongues;
- clean with stain remover and an old toothbrush. Cover the sneakers with a gel stain remover for washing clothes and clean them thoroughly with a brush. Then the product must be thoroughly washed off with water. If necessary, you can repeat the cleaning procedure in this way;
- clean with toothpaste and an old toothbrush. It is necessary to take a white (better whitening) toothpaste without any additives. How to clean the sneaker fabric in this way: apply the paste to the soiled areas of the fabric and soles, leave for 20 minutes, and then rub it well with a toothbrush. Then the sneakers must be washed with clean water;
- treat sneakers with a specially prepared paste: take a little washing powder, mix it with a little lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar. With this paste you need to lubricate the sneakers and brush them with a toothbrush. Then wash off the product with water.
You can apply bleaching powder by mixing it with vinegar (1: 1) to remove yellowness from your shoes.
How to clean sneakers made from other fabric colors
They can be washed in a washing machine at a temperature of 30-40 °, using a special mode designed for washing shoes, or washed by hand using laundry soap and a brush.
To dry, the sneakers must be hung on the balcony, after filling them with paper so that they do not lose their shape.
These methods will quickly remove stubborn stains from fabric sneakers. As a result, sports shoes acquire a well-groomed and attractive look.