How to clean topaz at home
Topaz are very beautiful, but also extremely capricious stones. Various shades of such jewelry are due to their staining using a special technology. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to clean topaz should begin with the fact that the procedure should be as gentle and gentle as possible. With regard to special compositions for cleaning, several options are possible here.
How to clean topaz to restore its natural glow?
How to clean topaz in a gold frame?
Ammonia will come to the rescue (no more than 2-3 drops are needed), which, together with a small amount of shampoo, is added to 150 grams of water. The jewelry is placed in a soap composition for 60 minutes, after which the jewelry is rinsed well with running water and polished using a soft cloth napkin.
How to clean a tarnished topaz decorated with silver
If the main jewelry is made of silver, it is advisable to use chalk in combination with a toothpaste for cleaning.
- The first component is finely crumbled and added to a similar amount of toothpaste, stirring everything until a homogeneous consistency.
- The resulting paste-like mixture is applied to a brush (only soft bristles are suitable) and begin cleaning the product.
- The final stage is rinsing the jewelry with cool water and polishing it with a soft cloth.
How to clean tarnished topaz – choose the right method
Studying the question of how to clean topaz at home, you can find the following tips:
- if the ring requires cleaning, you can use a regular detergent, a couple of drops of which are poured into a bowl filled with warm water and mixed well. The ring is lowered into the finished solution for 20 minutes, after which it is removed and cleaned with a soft toothbrush. The final step is rinsing under cold water and wiping with a dry, soft cloth;
- when the appearance of earrings with topaz is lost, an ammonia solution is prepared by diluting 4 drops of ammonia in a glass of cold water. The earrings are kept in the solution for half an hour, after which they are polished using flannel. Then, cleaning in solution is repeated again (no more than 8 minutes) and subsequent polishing.
In order not to spoil the topaz, it is important to remember about the prohibition of the use of abrasive substances and hot water for cleaning (the stone may become discolored). Rainbow topazes require especially careful handling, since even small scratches on their surface significantly disrupt the beauty of the stone without the possibility of completely restoring its original appearance.