How to clean the upholstery of a sofa, how to clean a sofa at home
Agree that when buying furniture in a store, few people think about how to clean the sofa upholstery at home. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that when, after some time, the first signs of pollution appear on a new acquisition, most of the previously happy owners of such a new thing fall into despondency. And to prevent this from happening, consider what needs to be done to bring the sofa back to its original form.
How to clean your sofa upholstery at home
We clean the sofa from accumulated dust
Skeptics will say that it is easiest to cover the furniture with a blanket, protecting it from possible stains or dust. Yes, such a method has every right to exist, but only until the moment when, through negligence or forgetfulness, at one “fine” moment, the irreparable will not happen. Therefore, the best option would be to arm yourself with simple tricks in order to know how to clean the upholstery of the sofa in any situation.
When buying modern and chic sofas made of velor, chenille or flock, you should be prepared for their incredibly strong dust absorption. Therefore, as soon as an unexpected strong sneeze begins to sound in the room, this is already the first signal to quickly clean the sofa from the dust accumulated in it.
But even if such an alarm signal does not sound during the year, experts still recommend carrying out preventive cleaning in order to avoid the appearance of a possible allergic reaction.
The process of removing dust from a sofa consists of several stages:
- knocking out. To do this, you need to take a clean sheet and a beater. The sheet is slightly moistened and spread on the sofa. After that, using a special tool, a beater, the sofa is removed from dust;
- vacuum cleaning. Thinking about how to clean the upholstery of the sofa, we must not forget about the vacuum cleaner, which has a special nozzle for furniture. We put it on, connect the vacuum cleaner to the network and slowly go through every millimeter of the upholstery. This method is not only incredibly simple, but due to its simplicity, it will allow you to perform it at least once a month.
How to clean sofa upholstery: get rid of stains
Sometimes, for certain reasons, stains form on the sofa. And to clean the upholstery of the sofa from this type of pollution, a vacuum cleaner is no longer enough. In this case, it is best to use chemical agents, for example, “Vanish”.
- We buy a substance, take an ordinary brush and pour the solution into a bucket of water, whisking it until thick foam.
- After that, the foam is applied to the contaminated area, using vigorous movements for 15 minutes. the upholstery is cleaned of stains.
If, for a number of reasons, “Vanish” is not nearby, then soap can be used as its substitute, but in this case the process of removing stains will be somewhat longer.