How to clean the toilet at home
To know how to clean the toilet at home, you need to identify the causes of plaque formation. A suitable product is selected depending on the type of contamination.
If you use water filters and water softeners, and regularly clean your toilet with a brush, you usually don’t get serious contamination.
Shine in the toilet until it is perfectly clean?
But sometimes, due to irregular cleaning and excessive water hardness, the surface of the faience is covered with ugly stains. This could be:
- limescale. It not only spoils the toilet, but also absorbs dirt from the environment. Acid-based products can cope with it;
- urinary stone. Often accumulates under the rim. It is difficult to get rid of it; concentrated acid preparations will be required;
- rust. To remove it, you will need special compounds with an anti-corrosion effect;
- oily stains of organic origin. They are removed with alkaline compounds containing caustic soda.
Chlorine-based products can be used for daily bathroom fixtures. They bleach and disinfect faience. It is better to use liquid and pasty compositions, because due to powders with abrasive particles, microcracks appear on the surface of the toilet bowl, which trap dirt and reduce the life of the plumbing. Earthenware can also crack due to the use of hot water.
How to clean the toilet with folk remedies
It is not necessary to buy an expensive drug to get rid of the ugly plaque on the surface of the faience. You can use the tools that are in every home:
- vinegar essence. She will cope with both lime and urinary calculus. It is necessary to drain the water and apply the concentrated preparation to heavily soiled areas. After an hour, remove plaque with a brush or sponge;
- citric acid. It is used if the dirt is not too ingrained in the faience. You need to pour 3 large spoons of the product into the tank, after dissolving, press the drain button;
- a mixture of vinegar and iodine. Table vinegar needs to be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees, flavored with a couple of drops of iodine. You can use a pinch of baking soda instead. With this mixture, the surface of the toilet bowl is lubricated, covered with a lid and left for 12 hours. Then wipe with a damp sponge. In a similar way, use “Coca-Cola” or “Whiteness”.
All these products do not damage the surface of the plumbing. If the dirt cannot be removed the first time, cleaning can be repeated.
In the most severe cases, “heavy artillery” is used – formulations based on concentrated acids. You can work with them only with open windows and open doors of the bathroom. These products include electrolyte for acid batteries, hydrochloric acid, iodine monochloride. They are poured onto the pockets of pollution and washed off with water almost immediately. It is not recommended to use these compounds if the sewer lines have plastic elements.
Don’t forget rubber gloves: even mild products can irritate your hands. If you decide to clean with concentrated acids, you should wear an apron and a respirator.