😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Gentlemen, how to clean the toilet? This is a closed topic for princes and princesses. And we will deal with this important matter. So let’s get started. Forward to fight germs!
How to clean the toilet
To care for the “essential object” you need a toilet brush, rubber gloves and a pumice stone (preferably with a long handle).
Toilet pumice stone
Pumice is used for stubborn dirt. Rust is formed from poor quality water and requires more cleaning time and effort. To speed up the work, use a pumice stone. Places with rust are rubbed carefully, taking care not to damage the enamel. Then washed off with water.
There are several ways to make cleaning easier:
1-2 bottles of Coca-Cola will help get rid of limescale. It is poured out, trying to pour over all the walls of the bowl. For the best effect, you can add a sachet of citric acid. Leave it on for a few hours and rinse it off.
Wonderful helpers “White” and “Domestos”! They dissolve urinary stones well. After applying the product (for 10-15 minutes), it is treated with a brush and washed off with water.
In order not only to clean our cleaning object, but also to disinfect it, they use bleach. It whitens the surface well.
If after bleaching the plaque cannot be completely removed, hydrochloric acid is used. But this must be done carefully, not leaving her for a long time. Otherwise it will damage the enamel.
You can use vinegar (any concentration: 9% or 70%). It is heated in a saucepan by adding a little water and covered with a lid, then poured into the toilet. Pour baking soda and iodine. Leave until morning.
A couple of packets of citric acid are poured out and the toilet lid is closed. A few hours later, they work with a brush. Then they are washed off.
Oxalic acid removes stubborn dirt well. You can find it in pharmacies. Powder of this acid is poured onto a damp cloth and the walls of the toilet bowl are rubbed well with it. After waiting a little, they begin cleaning with a brush. You can put oxalic acid in the toilet and leave it overnight. Rinse off in the morning.
Heavy case
If the faience “throne” is too dirty, and there is no money for a new one, electrolyte from a car battery is used. This should be done carefully, covering your face with a mask, and put gloves on your hands. But this method is unsuitable in the presence of plastic pipes.
There is one more effective remedy! This is orthophosphoric acid (5-7%), which will clean the surface and not corrode plastic pipes.
Important: for a general cleaning of the toilet, it is necessary to remove all the water from it. It can be scooped out with a small container. For example, a plastic disposable cup. Don’t forget to wash our object outside!
Today, there are a lot of cleaning agents for toilets and you need to choose the right one depending on the degree of pollution.
Remember the old truthful joke 🙂 “The toilet is the hostess’s face!”. It is known that the culture of a nation can be judged by public toilets.
Be careful!
The use of any cleaning agent requires precautions. Cleaning should only be done with gloves and make sure that the applied liquid does not get into the eyes or on the skin of the hands.
If there is an allergy, it is better not to use chemicals. In this case, use soda. It is rubbed on the surface and rubbed with a stiff brush. Remove lime with vinegar.
To keep the toilet clean at all times, do not pour greasy water into it! It must be regularly cleaned with special cleaning agents and a brush and made sure that there are no water leaks.
Share your personal experiences on how to clean the toilet. If the article was helpful, please share it on social networks. 🙂 Keep your home cozy and clean!