How to clean the moonshine still inside and out

Proper and regular cleaning of the moonshine still prolongs the life of the equipment and maintains the high quality of the drinks. Often, novice distillers are too lazy to periodically wash their devices, as a result, the remaining particles of mash spoil the aroma and taste of moonshine, and the distiller cannot understand the reason.

Attention! You can not disassemble the hot moonshine immediately after distillation, it is especially dangerous to open the distillation cube. You need to wait until the equipment cools down.

How often do you need to clean the moonshine

The distillation cube is washed after each distillation, the exception is if a new portion of the mash from the same raw materials as the previous batch is immediately poured. The sukhoparnik is also cleaned after each distillation, otherwise the phlegm accumulated inside will spoil the moonshine.

If there was no spray, then the coil, drawer, stainless steel nozzles and connecting pipes are cleaned after 6-7 distillations, and copper parts – every 3-4 distillations.

Immediately after distillation, it is advisable to wash the coil, nozzles and tubes of any material first with hot and then with cold water, then wipe with a clean dry cloth and allow to dry.

Silicone and other flexible hoses are recommended to be washed with water immediately after distillation, and a complete cleaning should be done at least once every 6-7 distillations.

After each spray, the equipment needs to be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned. Thin tubes into which the brush does not fit can be cleaned of foam with a wire folded in half. At the end of the additions, you need to fix a piece of foam rubber or washcloths for washing dishes.

With rare distillations (once a month or less), the apparatus is at least well washed and dried, it is better to do a complete cleaning.

Cleaning a new moonshine still

Immediately after purchase, the moonshine must be assembled and run in water distillation mode. This will allow not only to wash all the elements from the remnants of welding, drilling and grinding, but also to check the operability of the equipment: the tightness of pipes and connections, the correct temperature, etc.

If traces of machine oil remain in the new apparatus, then before distilling water, this oil must be removed with alcohol-containing liquids, for example, vodka applied to a clean, dry cloth, then rinse the contaminated part with hot water and only after that do the first distillation, since water vapor itself bad oil removal.

 A universal method for cleaning moonshine stills

If there are no burnt parts in the cube, then distillation of water is suitable for cleaning moonshine from any metal. This method is often used for equipment that is difficult to disassemble, such as alambiks.

How to clean the moonshine still inside and out
Alambique is best cleaned by distilling water.

Distillation of water has only one drawback – it requires quite a lot of time and energy.

How to clean a stainless steel moonshine

Food stainless steel is considered the most wear-resistant metal for the manufacture of moonshine stills. Salts, acids, soda, detergents and even some abrasives (with moderate use) are suitable for cleaning it.

To remove contaminants, you can use:

  • citric acid – dissolve 1 g of citric acid in 25 liter of cold water, wash the apparatus from the outside with the resulting solution, then pour it into the cube and the coil (muffle it on one side). Leave for 20 minutes, drain the solution and rinse with warm running water;
  • edible salt and activated charcoal – grind these substances into powder and mix in equal proportions. Rub the burnt or heavily contaminated parts of the moonshine with the finished mixture, then rinse with water, repeat the procedure if necessary;
  • baking soda – suitable for cleaning burnt parts. It is enough to add a couple of drops of water to the soda so that it becomes a paste, then rub the problem areas and rinse with water. Do not use caustic soda;
  • vinegar – well removes scale and cleans burnt places. Apply vinegar to a soft cloth and wipe the problem area, then be sure to rinse with cold water;
  • toothpaste – helps to clean the moonshine from the outside, it is enough to apply a little toothpaste on the moistened soft part of the sponge for washing dishes and rub the surface of the distillation cube, then gently wipe it with the rough side, without putting much effort so as not to scratch the surface.

To clean a moonshine made of stainless steel, do not use harsh abrasive substances: metal brushes and scrapers, brushes, etc., which can leave marks. External scratches only spoil the appearance of the device, but internal ones contribute to the appearance of plaque and burning.

How to clean the moonshine still inside and out
Citric acid is suitable for cleaning any metal

Cleaning a copper still

Copper devices are more difficult to care for, because copper not only oxidizes (which means that many chemicals are not suitable), but also draws salts, heavy metals, sulfur oxide and other substances from moonshine, which accumulate over time, turning into dark and green stains on the inner surface of the tubes. In addition, copper is soft, so you need to rub it very carefully.

Suitable for cleaning copper moonshine stills:

  • special products – such washing solutions are sold in shops for distillers, they are relatively expensive, but they do their job well, they are used according to the instructions on the label;
  • boiling – after distillation, the spent mash (bard) is left in the distillation cube, the disassembled parts of the apparatus are placed in it: coil, tubes, etc., then brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, then cooled and washed with cold water. If the neck of the cube does not allow other elements to be placed inside, then the coil and tubes are boiled in a separate container. The stillage contains acids that clean copper well. This method is also suitable for stainless steel and silicone hoses (capable of withstanding temperatures up to +250 ° C), but not for PVC pipes, which will become rigid and quickly fail;
  • citric acid – at a dosage of 15 g per 1 liter of water, it is enough to soak the parts to be cleaned in an acidic solution for 20 minutes, then rinse with water;
  • soap – warm water, a soft sponge for dishes and ordinary soap are suitable for removing stubborn dirt and mash residues. After cleaning, copper should be rinsed with plenty of water and wiped dry.
How to clean the moonshine still inside and out
Copper is easy to scratch

Copper quickly absorbs odors, so copper moonshine stills cannot be cleaned with Coca-Cola, ketchup and other substances with a strong odor. Also, copper should not be rubbed with abrasives.

Cleaning an aluminum moonshine still

Today, there are almost no moonshine stills made only of aluminum. Usually aluminum is only a distillation cube – an old milk flask or pan.

Acids and abrasives are not suitable for cleaning an aluminum still, but dishwashing liquid or baking soda can be used. One of these products is applied to the inside or outside of the aluminum cube, then gently rubbed with the soft part of a dishwashing sponge and rinsed with water.

What not to do when cleaning a moonshine still

The instruction consists of only a few points:

  1. Do not wash the hot moonshine still, so as not to get burned.
  2. Do not use aggressive chemicals such as white spirit, as their residues can get into the distillate.
  3. Do not clean the devices with metal scrapers, so as not to leave scratches that will accumulate plaque.

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