- How to remove Boca in the home or in the gym
- A plan of exercise, to remove the sides
- 1. Jumps breeding arms and legs
- 2. Twists in the strap on the elbows
- 3. Horizontal Jogging
- 4. Crease with leg lifts
- 5. Running with Shin zahlest
- 6. Twist to side plank
- 7. Jumping sumo with breeding hands
- 8. Sit-UPS with toe touch
- 9. The knees up to the chest
- 10. Breeding hands in the half squat
- 1. Running with high knee lift
- 2. Lunge with rotation of the body
- 3. Mountain climber with rotation
- 4. Skier
- 5. Side leg lifts
- 6. Burpee
- 7. Twists
- 8. Raising the legs in the strap
- 9. Squat + max foot
- 10. Jump to narrow squat
One of the most difficult to eliminate problem areas girls are considered as side or as they are called, the “eyes of the waist.” Of course, the folds of fat that are unsightly peeking through clothing, can upset everyone. Today we will talk about the basic rules of how to remove Boca in the home or in the gym.
How to remove Boca in the home or in the gym
How to remove the sides there is one significant complication. No strength exercises will not help you to get rid of annoying folds on the sides. The fact that the work on strengthening the muscles in this case is absolutely useless, if not harmful. Your main goal in the struggle with loops at waist eliminate the fat that loves to gather in the abdomen due to the peculiarities of the female body and reproductive functions. Special exercises to clean the sides will not work. But then what to do? Try to understand.
The two main components that will help you to remove the sides and get rid of tabs on the waist:
- Proper nutrition
- Interval training
First step: power
Any weight loss and reduction of fat percentage in the body always starts with diet. Not training, not physical activity with nutrition. So if you want to remove the sides to get rid of the ears, to reduce the waist and belly, then you need to reconsider your diet.
Top 10 tips for nutrition:
- Eliminate from your menu quick carbohydrates that cause sharp spikes in blood sugar, provoking a constant feeling of hunger and contribute to the accumulation of fat deposits in the waist area. First and foremost is this: white bread, flour products made from white flour, sugar, industrial sweets, confectionery, biscuits, rolls, crackers, hot cereal, French fries, almost all the menus in fast food restaurants. Excluded from the diet of fast carbs – this simple and effective rule that will help you to remove the sides and reduce belly. Fast carbohydrates are often deposited in the strategic reserves of an organism (the girls usually area hips and thighs for men stomach).
- If fast carbs is better to minimize in the diet, the complex carbohydrates, by contrast, should be the basis of your diet. Complex carbohydrates do not cause spike of blood sugar and give long-term saturation. If you ever feel the hunger and desire to eat, it is likely that you are missing in the diet of complex carbohydrates. In addition, complex carbohydrates without growth is not possible and muscle support that are provided by the protein, but with the direct involvement of carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are: grains cereals, whole grain rice, pasta from durum wheat, bean products, whole wheat bread, non-starchy vegetables. In any case do not exclude carbohydrates from the diet! You will have no energy, no normal metabolism.
- Gradually incorporate to your diet healthy foods. For example, instead of sweets to include in the menu of fruits and dried fruits, instead of white rice – brown rice, instead of white bread – whole wheat, instead of potato chips – nuts, instead of fatty meats – lean, instead of mayonnaise as a dressing – yogurt or olive oil instead of fried foods boiled or steamed. Start eating grain cereals, legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas), fresh and cooked vegetables.
- Try to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. First, it is three main meals: Breakfast (within one hour after waking up), lunch (mid-day), dinner (2-3 hours before bedtime). Secondly, one snack between the main meals during the day.
- Discipline yourself to daily Breakfast. Breakfast awakens the body and triggers metabolic processes. Good hearty Breakfast, rich in complex carbohydrates, reduces the risk evening “Zagora” and ultimately helps weight loss. An ideal Breakfast would be porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, barley, millet), where on your choice you can add milk, fruit, dried fruit, berries, honey, nuts.
- There is after 18:00 is possible! But it is desirable that the dinner was 2-3 hours before bedtime. The basis of the meals should be protein. For example, a perfect dinner will be cottage cheese/cheese casserole, meat/fish with vegetables (preferably white meat or white fish), eggs with vegetables. Half an hour before bedtime can drink a glass of buttermilk.
- Drink more water, it helps to blunt hunger and keep satiety. In addition, sufficient water intake improves skin condition and digestive tract. On average, it is advisable to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water a day.
- Cut back on alcohol, which keeps water and food provokes breakdowns. While weight loss is best to avoid even red wine.
- A good savoury snack is a green Apple. Felt hungry? Take the green Apple, it is always you should have on hand (a bag or at home on the table). If you don’t want an Apple, then you’re not hungry. So you wean yourself from the mindless consumption of sweets and junk food.
- If you want to lose weight and clean up the sides, and to keep and use forever, then choose a power system that you will be able to stick all his life. Your task is not to find the right diet and change your diet and eating habits to eat properly and balanced. This is important not only for weight loss but for your health.
It is important to read about food:
- 10 simple steps to proper nutrition
- All about the calorie deficit and how to comply with
- Simple and complex carbohydrates: what you need to know
- Why and how to count calories: manual
Even with regular fitness to lose weight without dietary restrictions is almost impossible. Judge for yourself, at the hour of cardio exercise at a moderate pace you lose 300-400 calories. This is the price of a modest cupcake. If you don’t watch your diet, no workout, even in the intense pace will not help you in eliminating the sides.
Second step: exercise
You might ask: so, you can not train, but only to follow the diet and that will be enough to clean the sides? Yes, for the decrease in the percentage of body fat and eliminating the sides enough to review the food. But with regular exercise you will reach your target much faster.
The benefit of exercising for weight loss:
- the provision of additional calorie consumption
- accelerating the metabolism
- burning fat for 24 hours after a workout
- muscle tone and elasticity of the body
- improving physical fitness
Top 10 training tips “from the sides”:
- The most effective way to combat fat deposits on the sides are interval training, which combines cardio exercises and exercises to tone the muscular system (cortex). Exercise should be regular, ideally 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes.
- To eliminate the sides is pointless just to download the press. The abs exercises tone the muscles under the fat layer, but reduce the sides and belly, they do not contribute. “From the sides” need to perform interval training to burn fat.
- If you go to the gym, in addition to strength training to include in your training plan sessions on the treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical. Try to train on an interval method of alternating medium and high speed of the lesson. This will help you to burn more calories.
- If you are attending group classes, one Troubleshooting choose sides in the first place cardio workout and interval training. For burning fat it is better to give preference to those occupations which quickly raise the pulse.
- Pay attention to the exercise strap. It uses a large part of the corset of muscles, therefore, is one of the healthiest for the body. Strap helps eliminate muscle imbalances, straighten your posture, strengthen core and visually tighten the abdomen and waist. [Finish the training based straps]
- However, there are no isolation exercises from the sides, which will help you to eliminate fat in this area. Bending, twisting, twists, side planks, which are particularly effective for the oblique muscles of the abdomen, do not remove the body fat on the sides.
- The hula Hoop is the best way to eliminate the sides. Twist the Hoop is better than sitting on the couch, but if you have a choice, it is better to spend this quality time on cardio than on the Hoop. However, this interval of the loads, e.g.: 2 minutes, you spin the Hoop and 2 minutes jumping rope or doing another cardio it is very efficient.
- In addition, the body loses weight as a whole and in its special principle that is most often genetically determined. So if your main problem area – hips, and to lose weight it will be heavier and the weight there is likely to be primarily deposited fat.
- Running outside and fast walking are also excellent options of workouts that will help you lose hips and lose weight in General. If you are planning to exercise, at least try to increase daily activity: the more you walk and walk, reducing the duration of passive recreation.
- Diet and cardio training are the main methods of getting rid of the lugs on the waist. After all, if legs, arms and even the stomach, we can transform ordinary strength exercises, then “pump side” is not possible.
How to lose weight only in the sides? In fact, in any way. Boca is not muscle and fat, so the impact on them from the outer side impossible. So all you need to do is to reduce the percentage of body fat by dietary restrictions and regular exercise.
A plan of exercise, to remove the sides
Offer training which will help you to remove the sides to reduce the waist and rid of belly. In this exercise it is assumed alternating cardio exercises to increase heart rate and calorie burning and exercises for muscle corset to visually improve the abdomen and waist. We emphasize that local fat loss is a rather relative concept, therefore, this training aims including weight loss and tone the whole body.
Total training duration is 40-45 minutes. You waiting for 2 rounds of 20 minutes, between rounds, rest 1 minute. Each round will be 10 exercises that are repeated twice.
The General scheme of training:
- First round: 10 exercises, repeated two rounds (20 minutes)
- Second round: 10 exercises, repeated two rounds (20 minutes)
Practice rounds are performed according to the scheme:
- Beginners: 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
- Advanced: 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest.
If you are not able to train 40 minutes (or you are a beginner), then divide the workout into two halves of 20 minutes, i.e. one day do the first round, or else the second round. The most important thing to cardio exercises combined with exercises for the bark, because this combination is the perfect way to burn calories and fat. Before exercise you need to perform the workout.
How often to perform the exercise:
- 2-3 times a week, if you perform the exercise the whole 45 minutes
- 5-6 times a week, if you perform the exercise in half for 20 minutes
See also:
- Top 10 effective exercises for beginners on the lower press
- Core muscles: what is it, why do we need + 30 effective exercises for Corinthians
- Top 10 crunches for the oblique muscles: finished training
- Top 10 simple exercises to belly for beginners (without straps and cardio)
- Top 12 isometric (static) exercises for abs + ready plan
- Ready HIIT workout for weight loss in the belly: 10 exercises
The first round of exercises
In this round you will find 10 exercises that are performed according to the scheme: 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest (advanced) or 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest (beginners). Practice rounds are repeated in the two circles, between the circles, take a rest for 1-2 minutes.
1. Jumps breeding arms and legs
How to perform: to make a jump with raising the legs, stand straight with feet together, hands along the body. Start at the same time a sharp movement to raise hands through the parties up and spread his legs in the jump. Make a soft landing on the toes, slightly bend knees.
Why: This is a popular cardio exercise, and one of the most effective for weight loss. Exercise promotes the development of muscles of hands and feet, develops stamina, burns calories and helps to remove Boca in a short time.
2. Twists in the strap on the elbows
How to perform: Take the classic plank on the elbows on the Mat, the body forms a straight line. Start gradually and alternately rotate the pelvis, thigh, trying to get closer to the surface of the Mat. The position of the elbows does not change, the body does not SAG, the pelvis rises.
Why: One of the best exercises to eliminate sides. Additionally, this version of the plank strengthens back muscles worked shoulders, legs and abdomen, and also work well the gluteus Maximus.
3. Horizontal Jogging
How to perform: Take the emphasis lying down, straighten your back, keep your head along with the spine. Please note that the elbows do not bend during exercise, the shoulders are directly above your palms. Start to run in a horizontal position: first pull one leg to chest, then the second. Adjust tempo run at your level. The faster you run, the more calories you burn.
What: Horizontal running is a good idea to clean the sides. Exercise burns calories quickly, and with it goes overweight. We are working with the muscular system, the cortex, is provided by static and dynamic load on the press. Additionally, strengthens the cardiovascular system as a whole warmed up muscles.
4. Crease with leg lifts
How to perform: Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart. Hands raise up. Alternately at an angle of 90 degrees, raise first the right and then the left leg, while scrutinies body and two hands try to touch the toes.
Why: This exercise is able to pump the abdominal muscles and back muscles, improve the cardiovascular system, strengthen thighs and buttocks. Simple, but effective exercise will help to remove the sides and the folds of fat in the lower abdomen.
5. Running with Shin zahlest
How to perform: this exercise is to eliminate the sides running complicated solistami shins. To perform exercises you need to run in place and try to almost touch the heel to the buttocks. Do parallel hand movements, they should move along the body in sync with the legs. Hone movement and accelerate.
Why: Running in place can be easily included in any exercise to eliminate the sides or other problem areas. This is the perfect exercise for those who would like to quickly adjust the inches in the waist and hips. In General, cross-country movement to improve the functioning of blood vessels and the respiratory system.
6. Twist to side plank
How to perform: Grab a Mat and take the side trims, pillar serves as a forearm and the edge of the foot. Second hand is recommended to lay down in the waist area. Start the curl: the leg gently lift and pull to your chest. Strain the stomach, so the main burden fell on the core, not the arms and shoulders.
Why: great Exercise working the abdominal muscles, legs and shoulders. This method not only remove the sides, but also to achieve a beautiful press. Because during the running motion to work the back muscles, it also strengthens the core, is provided by the payload on the musculoskeletal system.
7. Jumping sumo with breeding hands
How to perform: Stand straight with feet together. Raise your hands up above the head and palms together. Start to jump out into sumo squat, spreading out his hands through the sides. Legs in a squat place widely, feet and knees look to the outside. At the bottom of the fingers touch the floor.
What: This intensive exercise will help to strengthen the muscles of the whole body (legs, belly and hands), lose weight in the sides and burn calories. In addition, the load will get the buttocks and inner thighs.
8. Sit-UPS with toe touch
How to perform: Lie on a Mat, legs close together, hands apart to the sides, lower back pressed to the floor. Simultaneously lift your upper back off the floor and raise your right leg and left arm up. Will scrutinise and try to touch your hands to the feet. Do an approach on one side.
Why: This exercise is working all the abdominal muscles and gives emphasis on the oblique abdominal muscles, helping get rid of the sides and forming a beautiful waist. Coupled with cardio exercise is very effective for toned stomach.
9. The knees up to the chest
How to perform: Slightly expand the trunk to the right. Left foot pull to the side at an angle of 30 degrees relative to the right. Raise your arms up and bring your hands together. Start to pull the bent leg to your chest while lowering the folded hands and touching his knee.
Why: When you perform exercises to operate stomach muscles and hips. This is a great exercise for development of the press and the oblique muscles of the sides and eliminate the “saving” of a circle at the waist.
10. Breeding hands in the half squat
How to perform: Take a position half squat. Bend your arms at elbows, palms up to face level and push between the forearm. Start to spread his legs with a small jump. Simultaneously with the jump dilute elbows to the sides, synchronizing the movement of the limbs.
Why: Exercise has a complex effect on all groups of muscles: work the shoulders, chest, core, glutes, thighs. Regular training in the interval mode will help you to have a perfect and trim figure without problem areas.
Exercise №6, №8 and №9 in the first round are on the right side, in the second round on the left side. Optionally, you can perform these exercises on right and left side in two consecutive approach (in one round), but it will lengthen the total training time.
A second round of exercises
In this round you also will find 10 exercises that are performed according to the scheme: 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest (advanced) or 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest (beginners). Practice rounds are repeated in the two circles, between the circles, take a rest for 1-2 minutes.
TOP 50 coaches on YouTube: our selection
1. Running with high knee lift
How to perform: Stand straight, start running in place with high knee lift. Try to perform exercise so that your knees raised to an angle of 90 degrees to the body. You need to help yourself with hands, swings arms along the body occur in time with the movement of the legs.
Why: Running is a great opportunity to clean up the sides at home. This cardio burns a lot of calories, quickly raises the heart rate and helps eliminate fat in the abdominal area. High rises his knees give extra emphasis to the cor.
2. Lunge with rotation of the body
How to perform: Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart. At shoulder level, close your hands so that your right elbow contact with the left hand and left elbow with right. Start doing alternating forward lunges right and left leg. At the bottom point of the exercise turns the body. If you are walking with your right foot, then rotate your body also the right, if marching left leg — turn to the left.
Why: Lunges with twists helps to work core muscles, swinging the press and oblique abdominal muscles. The additional load is on the musculoskeletal system and feet.
3. Mountain climber with rotation
How to perform: Adopt a plank position on hands, supports for hands and feet, hands are directly under shoulders. Pull forward your right leg to your right elbow and execute a smooth turn to the left elbow. Then reverse movement back to starting position. Try to move so that the body remained stable, don’t raise the pelvis up. Do an approach on one side.
Why: the Exercise is perfectly clear sides, since the main burden falls on the abdomen and waist. We are also working on the muscles of the back, shoulders and legs.
4. Skier
How to perform: Stand straight with arms bent at the elbow as while running. Start to bounce in place, alternately changing legs: first the right leg is ahead, then left. Land gently on your toes. Don’t raise the legs too far apart, the amplitude average.
Why: One of the best cardio exercises for weight loss. It burns calories in General, and removes the extra inches in problem areas. High pulse of our interval training will help you to quickly remove the sides.
5. Side leg lifts
How to perform: Stand with right knee on the Mat in the position simplified side slats. As a support use, her right hand should rest on the floor. Left leg straight and touching the floor with the foot. Start to lift his leg up above waist, hold for a second at the top and return to starting position. Try to move my leg in the same plane as it is not necessary to fill up the body forward. The whole approach is performed on one side.
Why: Exercise helps to quickly remove the sides, working the abdominal muscles and hips. It’s low impact and fairly simple in implementation. Under a knee put a pillow for the comfort of the joint.
6. Burpee
How to perform: Take a standing position so that his feet were standing shoulder width apart. Hands pull up, then jump up. Then quickly put your hands on the floor and jump out in the bar on straight arms, legs based on tiptoes. Of strap again jump back to the starting position and jump up when straightening.
What: Burpee – one of the best functional exercises for the whole body, which complex is working all muscle groups. Even a few repetitions of this exercise is enough to improve the efficiency of the whole exercise in General.
7. Twists
How to perform: Sit on the Mat, knees bend at an angle of 90 degrees. The body remains raised, hands closed on chest level. Begin to lean the body backward, while performing turns, upper body first to the right then to the left. Try elbow to touch the floor. The legs should remain stationary.
Why: This physical activity is good working obliques. It is suitable for those who would like to have a perfect shape in the waist and in a short time to remove the sides.
8. Raising the legs in the strap
How to perform: Take a plank position on the Mat: your arms should be straight, feet together, look forward on the Mat. Lean socks on the floor, and then sharply move them to the side, is supposed to be a kind of jumping raising the legs. Do not jump mechanically, try to use abdominal muscles for the strain of this press. Always ensure that the shoulders remain directly above your palms.
Why: One of the best exercises from the sides. Raising the legs in the strap is working out the abdominal muscles and press muscles involved in the hips. It also helps to accelerate the heart rate and burn calories.
9. Squat + max foot
How to perform: Adopt the position of the squat. Hands brought together in the castle in front of chest. Begin performing the lifts of the squat, with one leg hung to the side (to perform side-Mach), the second just straightens up, hands held together at chest for balance. Perform squats with swings to one side in a dynamic pace.
Why: As with all types of swings, this exercise helps to remove the sides. It is aimed at overall physical tness, especially in the abdomen and waist, thighs and buttocks.
10. Jump to narrow squat
How to perform: stand narrow half squat. Hands pull along the body, trying to reach the ankles. Sharply jump up, with arms out to the sides and up over your head. Legs are pushed apart synchronously with the hands.
What: Jump to narrow squat helps develop the muscles of the abdomen and thighs. It is a good cardio exercise that hones the figure and causes the body to tone.
Exercise №3, №5 and №9 in the first round are on the right side, in the second round on the left side. Optionally, you can perform these exercises on right and left side in two consecutive approach (in one round), but it will lengthen the total training time.
Timer (30 sec. work / 30 sec. rest):
Timer (45 sec. work / 15 sec. rest):
See also:
- Top 10 exercises for strengthening of lumbar muscles
- Ready cardio workout to burn fat
- Training dumbbell: 10 exercises
- TABATA workout for beginners: 24 exercises and 6 rounds
- Program for weight loss legs (for “pears”): 30 exercises
For weight loss, Belly, Interval training