How to clean shoe insoles; how to clean leather insoles
The inner surface of the shoe is not less dirty than the outer one. This problem is more relevant for summer shoes than for winter ones, since it presupposes the presence of open areas into which sand, dust, and dirt get. In addition, in the summer, the legs sweat more than in the winter. How to clean leather insoles so as not to deform them?
How do I clean the insoles of my shoes?
How to clean leather insoles
Leather is a natural material, which is characterized by mechanical stretching and sensitivity to moisture and chemistry. Therefore, you need to take care of such shoes in a special way in order to extend their service life. How to clean your insoles at home?
Leather inserts must not be wet, that is, the option to wash in a washing machine or by hand is not suitable. You can use special foams to care for the inside of your shoes. They are left to act for a few minutes, and then wiped with a dry or damp cloth to remove dirt and residues of the product.
There are also homemade recipes for cleaning insoles.
The easiest way is to use a regular soft-bristled toothbrush and a solution of laundry soap.
Lightly moisten the brush in the solution and clean the insole with light movements, if necessary, repeat the procedure several times. Next, wipe the surface with a soft dry cloth and allow it to dry additionally in a warm place, but not on the battery. In this way, you can remove dirt from almost any inner surface of shoes, sandals, ballet flats, etc.
How to clean shoe insoles
It is more difficult to remove dirt from insoles when they are sewn on or glued to shoes. If fabric shoes can be washed in a delicate mode in a washing machine, then leather shoes will require only manual semi-dry cleaning.
How to clean the insoles in leather shoes?
To begin with, they wipe everything inside with a dry cloth to remove surface dust and dirt. Then you can use one of the following: baby cream, hydrogen peroxide, wet wipe.
1. Baby cream is applied in a thin layer with a cotton pad to the insole, left for 3-5 minutes, then wiped off with a rag and allowed to dry for several hours.
2. Hydrogen peroxide is applied with a cotton swab to particularly contaminated areas and after a few minutes removed with a disc or cotton wool.
3. As an express tool, you can use a damp, alcohol-free wipe.
After the cleaning procedure with any means, the shoes must be dried. In order not to spoil it, you cannot use aggressive chemicals, bleaches, alcohol, acetone, nail polish remover. Excessive wetting of shoes can also lead to deformation.