Almost all home-cooked food products have an unsurpassed taste. Home-cooked caviar is just as delicious, and much cheaper than in the supermarket. But in order to get the final result, the caviar should be cleaned from the film, which is called the ovary. If this is not done with high quality, then the caviar will turn out to be of poor quality, with an extraneous aftertaste. In this article, you can find the necessary information about how to clean caviar from the film.
Salt yourself or buy in the store?
Red caviar (as well as black caviar) has long been considered a real delicacy. This product is characterized not only by unsurpassed taste data, but also by its usefulness. After all, caviar contains a whole complex of vitamins and microelements. This product is not cheap, therefore, many housewives have adapted to cook it at home, especially since it is not at all difficult.
Here, the most important thing is that the original product is fresh and of high quality. Caviar cooked at home, by the hands of a housewife, can be tastier and healthier than purchased. In addition, the quality of the product is guaranteed, since it does not contain various chemical additives, such as preservatives.
The cooking method is so simple that anyone can master it. The main thing is to properly prepare the caviar for salting.
How to clean caviar from the film
Life hack, we clean pink salmon caviar from films at home quickly, easily and simply
First you need to pull the caviar out of the fish. Naturally, it is better if it is freshly caught fish. Then there is no question of its origin and quality. The fish is carefully cut along the belly and the caviar is also carefully pulled out. You need to take it out very carefully so as not to damage the caviar bags and not damage the bile, as it can spoil the taste of the caviar.
Why is the film removed?
The film is designed to keep the eggs together. In fact, it is edible, but its taste does not match the taste of caviar and gives it bitterness. In addition, as a result of cooking, the caviar should turn out crumbly. This is one of the basic requirements for the preparation of this type of product.
What is needed to remove the film?
Each caviar cleaning method is suitable for certain types of caviar obtained from different types of fish. First of all, the caviar must be thoroughly washed. Some types of caviar easily get rid of the film with a regular fork. Other types of caviar require a special sieve with large holes. As a result of such actions, the caviar passes through these holes, and the film remains in the sieve. Caviar of different sizes requires a certain diameter of the holes.
How to pickle red fish caviar. (caviar recipe)
Features of cleaning caviar of different types of fish
In freshwater fish, caviar has a different diameter, therefore, completely different approaches are needed for cleaning, with the help of which the integrity of the shell will not be damaged and it is possible to get rid of the ovaries qualitatively.
How to clean pink salmon caviar?
Before salting, pink salmon caviar should be separated from the yastyk, which is not at all difficult to do. For example:
- You will need a couple of deep bowls.
- You also need gauze.
- Including a regular fork.
How it’s done:
- Boiling water is poured into one of the bowls, and cold water is poured into the other.
- 2 layers of gauze are taken and bags with caviar are laid out on it. It is better to wrap the edges of the gauze so that the caviar does not crumble.
- The gauze with the contents is placed in hot water for about 1 minute. At the same time, caviar in bags must be constantly stirred.
- After this time, the gauze with the contents is pulled out of the hot water and placed in a container of cold water.
- Under the action of high temperature, the film manages to cook in 1 minute, after which it will begin to separate from the eggs in cold water.
- Those eggs that have not separated are separated with a regular fork.
Method for cleaning pike caviar
Pike caviar is not at all similar to pink salmon caviar, including in size, which will require a completely different approach. To accomplish what you have planned, you need:
- Thoroughly rinse the caviar and cut the ovary.
- Caviar is simply rubbed through a sieve with holes of the required diameter.
- Actions must be careful, otherwise you can damage the caviar.
- Those fragments of yastyk that remained on the caviar are removed with a fork.
How to clean carp caviar
The process itself consists of the following actions:
- To begin with, a yastik is cut and placed in a large container.
- After that, salted boiled water is poured into the dishes. 1 grams of salt is taken per 100 liter of water.
- Then the entire contents of the container are mixed with a fork. As a result, film particles will remain on the fork.
- After a few minutes of operation, clean caviar will remain in the container.
Methods for cleaning caviar from the film
Purification of red caviar. Fast and efficient way.
There are other ways to clean the eggs from the ovary. For example:
- Caviar is rubbed through a sieve with large holes. After this process, boiling water is poured into the caviar for several minutes. The film begins to curl up and can be easily drained with cold water. In conclusion, the caviar is washed in the same way as ordinary cereals. The process must be fast, otherwise the caviar, if it is overexposed in boiling water, will simply boil.
- Salted boiling water is taken (one tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water) and after it cools down a little, several bags of caviar are placed in it. A whisk is taken in hand and everything is gently stirred. In the process of movements, the film is wound on the whisk, it remains only to remove it more often.
- Chopped bags are placed in a colander, after which it is placed with caviar in hot water. The contents of the colander are constantly stirred with a fork. The film clings to the fork and is wound on it, while clean eggs remain in it.
How useful is caviar
Such a product as caviar is characterized by unique taste qualities and a large capacity of vitamins and microelements.
In caviar found:
- Vitamins A, E and D.
- Polyunsaturated beneficial fatty acids.
- Proteins.
- Iodine.
- Calcium.
- Magnesium.
- Phosphorus.
- Potassium.
- Iron.
- Zinc.
- Silicon.
- Sodium.
As a rule, fish caviar always contains more nutrients than its meat. Salmon (red) and sturgeon (black) caviar is considered the most useful. But caviar and other types of fish are no less healthy and no less tasty if cooked correctly.
Caviar should be present on the table (not only on the festive one) of any person in order to:
- Maintain proper levels of immunity.
- Strengthen the general condition of the body.
- Implement preventive measures for cardiovascular diseases.
- Improve the performance of the whole organism.
The technology for preparing homemade caviar does not contain complex operations. Does not contain complex operations and caviar cleaning process. The technology is almost the same for all types of caviar, with not big nuances. To do this, no complex devices are required, so it’s really possible to do it at home with your own hands.
It is not necessary to salt the classic red or black caviar. After all, you can perform the same operations with caviar of pike or carp, as well as caviar of other fish.
How to separate black caviar from the film