How to clean a palace at home

How to clean a palace at home

For cleaning carpets at home, any store will offer you a wide range of products. But if there is a small child at home, it is better to choose more natural methods.

· Snow. Pure crisp snow, smelling of freshness, can also be a helper. Spread your carpet on the snow (but only at a temperature of -2 … -3 and higher). We cover it with snow, rub the places of deep pollution. Now you need to sweep away the snow with a brush or a broom, and knock out the carpet.

· Edible salt (preferably large). Vacuum the carpet, sprinkle lightly with water. Sprinkle it with salt and let it sit for 5-10 minutes, depending on the nature of the dirt. After the time has elapsed, the salt must be swept away and the carpet must be vacuumed again.

· Vinegar. Suitable for removing stains. You need to add 3 tbsp per liter of water. l. table vinegar. With a brush, you need to clean problem areas with this solution. Remember to ventilate the area after cleaning.

· You can use ammonia to remove stubborn stains. Add 1 tsp to a half-liter jar of water. washing powder and 10 ml of pharmacy ammonia. Apply the prepared solution to the stain or stains, rub with a medium-hard brush. Then wipe with a dry cloth and leave to dry.

Although these tools are familiar to us and at hand, do not forget about safety rules: work with gloves and ventilate the room.

How to clean a palace with soda

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