How to clean a kitchen hood from fat
The main task of the hood is to collect grease and odors, which leads to severe contamination not only of its filter, but also of all surfaces. It is worth figuring out how to clean the hood from fat, often the necessary funds are at hand.
How to clean the hood from fat? Funds can be found in every kitchen
How to remove grease from a cooker hood
Grease accumulated on the filter surface is difficult to wash off. The following tools have proven themselves well:
- dishwashing liquid. The result can only be obtained by removing the fresh fat layer;
- soda solution. A glass of soda is taken for three liters of boiling water. Now gently dip the filter into the water and boil it for half an hour. All the fat will come off;
- laundry soap. Half a piece must be grated on a fine grater and dissolved in 2,5 liters of boiling water. The resulting soap solution is used to treat all surfaces of the hood. Just soak a sponge in it and wash all dirty areas. To remove particularly stubborn dirt, you need to use a safe scraper so as not to scratch the surfaces;
- pure acetic acid is another available home method. Since you will have to work with a very caustic substance, be sure to wear strong rubber gloves on your hands. Failure to do so may result in severe burns. We moisten the cloth in vinegar and apply it to all contaminated surfaces, providing strong moisture. The average holding time is 7 minutes. If the dirt is too strong, then it is increased to 12 minutes. If the hood has not been washed for a very long time, it is recommended to use a clean product. For fresh stains, it is better to use an aqueous solution prepared in a 1: 2 ratio;
- lemon juice. You need to take several fruits and cut them in half. Then treat all contaminated surfaces with pulp and leave the juice for five to ten minutes. Then wipe the hood with a damp cloth. If the spots are not all gone, then the treatment can be repeated.
How to wash the fat from the hood if you want to get the maximum effect? There is a radical way to clean a heavily soiled filter when it can no longer perform its direct duties. You will need to buy a stainless steel sink cleaner. Products designed for downpipes can also be used.
It is necessary to prepare the composition according to the instructions and lower the filter into it. The cleansing reaction will start immediately. After the grill is cleaned, it must be thoroughly rinsed under running water.
There are many ways to clean the hood. But if lemon, vinegar and soda solution can be used constantly, then alkaline compounds are allowed to be used once or twice during the entire period of operation of the device.
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