How to clean a green canister – mechanical and chemical methods
Difficulties with cleaning the canister arise due to the peculiarities of its design. If it is easy to stick your hand into an ordinary bottle, reaching the bottom and walls that require processing, then you can only clean the canister with the help of foreign objects that are easy to start and get through the narrow neck. The main thing is to do without chemistry.
How to clean a canister from greens, giving up household chemicals
How to mechanically clean the greens canister?
The most common cause of canisters ‘overgrowth’ is the chlorella algae, which does not harm the human body. But it is still better to store water in a clean container. The following methods help to cope with the greens that appear as a result of storing spring water in plastic:
- for several hours, baking soda is poured into the canister at the rate of: half a pack of 20 liters, add a small amount of water, push a clean cloth inside and begin to actively chat the container for 10 minutes. After rinsing out the remaining cleaning agent, the desired result is noticeable;
- A metal chain thrown into the neck, which is poured with water, also works well. The canister is vigorously shaken and then rinsed with water;
- as an abrasive for cleaning, ordinary millet (about 500 grams per 25-liter volume) is suitable, which is poured into a container, poured with a small amount of water and shaken vigorously for about 10 minutes. You can additionally use liquid soap;
- Grandma’s recipes suggest cleaning canisters with ordinary newspapers, which tear, crumple and shove into the neck, pouring clean water. The canister is then shaken and rotated for 5 minutes.
How to clean a canister from greens – choose a convenient way
How to clean the inside of the canister with herbs?
Our grandmothers also used herbs to clean difficult-to-handle containers. The following recipes are especially effective:
- use of dry pharmacy nettle. A handful of grass is poured into the canister, a little water is poured, the container is shaken well and rinsed without taking out the nettle. Then remove the natural cleaning agent and rinse the canister;
- you can replace nettle with dried yarrow. Such a herb, like nettle, has a disinfecting property, therefore, along with cleaning, a bactericidal effect is provided. The processing scheme is the same as in the first version;
- for a good result, you can combine nettle with sand and small pebbles, pouring all of this with water. As a result, it is possible to clean even heavily overgrown canisters.
If you have fresh grass at hand, you can use it too, only pre-chopping it for easy extraction from the neck after washing.