How to clean a fur coat at home? Video
Sooner or later, the question of cleaning it arises before the mistress of a fur product. If you do not have the means to dry-clean your fur coat or you are afraid that it will ruin it there, then you can use simple methods that will help to put your favorite fur product in full order. How to clean a fur coat at home so that it is not offensive for the result?
How to clean a fur coat at home correctly?
What is not recommended to do with a fur coat
In no case should you wash the fur or wet it with water. It is recommended to dry the fur coat in a well-ventilated area, away from drafts and air heaters. Drying by heaters, hair dryer or over a fire can have negative consequences. It is strictly forbidden to iron a fur product; if you hang the fur coat on a hanger, it will soon straighten itself out.
It is necessary to clean the fur coat in the following cases: if the color uniformity is lost; there is dust contamination with a coating; there are debris between the pile
Ways to clean a fur coat at home
Before cleaning the fur coat, the product should be carefully knocked out to get rid of dust and possible particles of debris. Next, you need to peel the potatoes. Rinse them thoroughly under running cool water, grind in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add some ammonia and stir. Apply the resulting gruel to the fur, rub with a brush in the direction of the pile growth. Then remove the rest of the mixture and wipe the fur with a damp sponge. Hang the coat on a hanger and let it dry naturally at room temperature.
Moths and kozheedy adore fur products that hang in the closet for a long time. To save a fur coat from pests, you can use a perforated cover in which you should store a fur thing. Place a bag of lavender next to it
How to clean a white (light) fur coat?
Light-colored fur can be cleaned with a mixture of refined aviation gasoline and potato starch. As a result, you should get a homogeneous gruel without lumps. Soak a sponge or brush in it and clean the fur, let the mixture dry completely. Then shake the product thoroughly and brush in the direction of hair growth with a stiff brush. There will be no trace of contamination. It is advisable to carry out this cleaning procedure in a well-ventilated place (for example, on a balcony).
You can clean your fur coat at home in another way. To do this, sprinkle the pile of the fur product with an adsorbent that absorbs dirt well. As an adsorbent, you can use wheat or rye bran, sifted dry hardwood sawdust. If the coat is light, then you can use semolina or potato starch. Gently rub the sprinkled fur between your palms, so all the dirt will go to the adsorbent. Finally, clean the coat with a vacuum cleaner or soft brush.