Cleaning the dog’s ears is necessary in order to prevent the development of inflammatory processes in them. This should be done after examination and identification of the need for the procedure. Some dog breeds are recommended to clean their ears once a week, and some do not need it for a whole year. In this article, we will tell you how to clean your dog’s ears at home, what means to use for this, and how to teach your beloved pet to this procedure.
How to clean your dog’s ears at home?
To identify pathological processes, it is important to examine the ears of a four-legged friend every day. If there is a need for cleaning, then you should first prepare the means and materials with which it will be carried out. To clean your dog’s ears, apply:
· Special lotions that perfectly dissolve sulfur and mud deposits in the dog’s ears;
· Sanitary napkins, impregnated with a product that quickly dissolves mud deposits and does not cause allergic manifestations in a pet;
· Cotton swabs or discs (for inexperienced dog breeders it is better to use cotton swabs so as not to damage the dog’s ear canals).
Drying powder can be used to clean the ears of long-eared pets, which helps to better remove wet dirt. If there are dried deposits of dirt in the ears of a four-legged friend, then special oils are used to soften and quickly remove the dirt. Veterinarians strongly forbid the use of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar to clean dog ears, as these products can cause serious burns.
The procedure for cleaning the ears of your beloved pet is carried out as follows:
- first you need to fix the dog’s head. But for this you do not need to catch her all over the house and try to clean the strongly resisting animal. It is best to perform the procedure after washing, when the dog is calm. It is necessary to stroke her on the head, gently force her to lie on her side, hug her head and gently fix it;
- examine the ear and determine what products will be needed to cleanse the ears of impurities and secretions;
- moisten a cotton pad (or swab) in a cleansing lotion and treat the dog’s ear canal;
- massage your ears to dissolve dirt. It is very important to speak affectionately with the pet during the procedure and praise him for his endurance;
- remove dirt and wax from the ear canal with a cotton swab. While cleaning the ears, the dog may start shaking its head, you should not interfere with it, by such actions it independently gets rid of the remains of the cleaning agent and mud deposits.
Here’s how to clean your dog’s ears – the video will help you figure it out in more detail. The main thing is to choose the right time for the procedure: the pet must be calm and averse to play.