How to clean a bedspread at home – methods, rules, means
Washing the bedspread is not an easy task, especially if it is too bulky or fluffy. Cleaning by specialists is expensive, so many people prefer to do it on their own at home.
You can clean the bedspread at home using common products that can be found in any kitchen.
Even if there are no stains on the blanket, it must be regularly cleaned of dust. It is better to do this on the street or balcony, by hanging the coverlet and carefully knocking it out with a broom. In winter, it is recommended to carry out a similar procedure on the snow – this way the product will not only get rid of dust, but also ventilate from unpleasant odors.
To clean the bedspread at home more effectively and give it a fresh look, it is recommended to periodically wet the product. For this, a solution is prepared, which can be made in several ways:
- dilute the juice squeezed from 1 lemon with warm water;
- Mix 5 drops of essential oil with soda (2 tbsp. L.) And water (3 tbsp.);
- add 20 ml of shampoo or liquid soap to the water, 1 tsp. soda.
The preparatory stage consists in surface cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or knocking out the blanket. Then the selected composition is applied to it, which is rubbed with a clothes brush or sponge. The product is removed with a damp cloth, and the blanket is hung out for proper drying. If necessary, gently iron it.
How to clean a blanket in a washing machine?
The washing conditions for any product depend on the composition of the fabric. General recommendations apply for cleaning blankets:
· The water temperature is not higher than 30 degrees;
· Delicate washing mode;
· Funds must be suitable for the type of fabric;
· It is advisable to use gels rather than powders.
It is not recommended to wring out fleece, woolen and “plush” blankets in the washing machine, otherwise they will lose their voluminous appearance, stretch and become thinner.
The more carefully the blanket is thoroughly cleaned, the longer it will remain soft and fresh. To wash the product yourself, you need to fill a large basin or bathroom with cool water, dissolve a liquid detergent in it (you can use shampoo) and soak the blanket for 10-15 minutes. Stubborn dirt is gently wiped off with hands or a brush, after which the blanket is rinsed.
It is not recommended to wring out the blanket, it is better to hang it up so that the water drains off on its own. You can speed up the process with your hands, driving excess moisture from top to bottom. Bedspreads containing wool are dried only horizontally – when suspended, they lose their shape.