How to chop cabbage and not spend a lot of time and effort on it

Cabbage is tasty and healthy and there are many recipes for various dishes from it. Here are just the hassles of cutting cabbage so many busy housewives do not like so much, therefore this useful vegetable lies in a drawer for vegetables, bored

Today you will learn how, finally, to get the hang of finely chopping cabbage – so that the kitchen is clean, and hands – without cuts and there is plenty of time for everything planned.

Plan A – Peeler

Divide the head of cabbage in half. Hold one of the halves in your hand in the area of ​​the stump. Now, with quick movements, sweep the cut on the cabbage with a vegetable peeler. This method will allow you to chop a large amount of cabbage beautifully and very quickly.


Plan B – cut across the stump

All you need is a knife and knowledge of one small secret: the cabbage head must be cut in half across the stump. And for shredding – use only the upper part with thin leaves. It is placed with a cut down and cut without lifting the end of the knife from the cutting board, moving as if in a circle.

Delicious dishes with cabbage!

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