How to choose unpretentious flowers for a flower bed that bloom all summer –

Not every owner of a suburban area is able to grow luxurious and capricious plants, the flowering of which can cause admiration from neighbors and bystanders. But almost everyone can plant unpretentious, but at the same time attractive flowering plants for decoration.   

What flowers will not cause trouble

In this case, the term “unpretentious” means that after planting in a flower bed or flower garden, such plants do not require careful adherence to the regimen of feeding, watering, etc. They can grow and develop perfectly without constant owner’s supervision. Of course, it will not be possible to do without care at all, and even such flowers will need to be watered periodically.  

How to choose unpretentious flowers for a flower bed that bloom all summer -

The choice of options for the inexperienced gardener is quite wide and includes both annuals and perennials. Having correctly selected the period of their greatest decorativeness, it is quite easy to get a flower garden that pleases the eye with beauty from early spring, all summer and until late autumn. Despite the undemanding care, such plants bloom quite brightly and profusely.

Perennial flowers will delight with beauty every year. As a rule, they do not require additional frost protection and tolerate hot summers well. They should be selected and planted, focusing on the size of an adult specimen. Annual plants allow you to create carpet beds with complex geometric patterns. Unlike perennials, they do not grow and are suitable for creating the exact dimensions of pattern elements. At the same time, by planting different annuals, you can change the colors and accents of the flower bed every season.

How to choose unpretentious flowers for a flower bed that bloom all summer -

But in order to not have problems even with such undemanding plants all summer, you will need to pay attention to them at the initial stage when planting. To do this, take into account their needs for soil properties, lighting and compatibility with each other. It is also necessary to loosen the soil, make the necessary top dressing, remove weeds.  

Choosing the right flower bed

Household plots are most often decorated with flower beds such as classic flower beds, mixborders, ridges or modular designs. They are planted in them as perennials replacing each other with a flowering period, so sown in spring and annuals pleasing all summer with a beautiful fresh look. You can even plant primroses in them, among which capricious specimens are rare. A flower bed known to everyone differs from other areas by clear boundaries that give it a certain geometric shape of a circle or oval, rhombus, square or rectangle, etc. plant compositions in it can form both perennial and annual flowers located in the same plane.

How to choose unpretentious flowers for a flower bed that bloom all summer -

In mixborders, plants form compositions of different levels in height, in which the flowering of some plants is replaced by others located nearby. Ribbons separated by a curb stretch in narrow rectangular strips along fences or paths. They are usually planted with beautiful annuals that please all summer with bright colors. The basis of modular flower beds are various types of mobile containers. To form the desired composition, they are simply installed in the right place and in the required order. At the same time, if necessary, they can be easily rearranged to a more shaded or illuminated place.

Video “Overview on the most unpretentious flowers”

Video review of the most unpretentious flowers for planting in flower beds.

The most unpretentious garden flowers. Site “Garden world”

Choosing your own flowers

When arranging a flower garden, you can plant only perennials or annuals that consistently bloom all summer long, or combine them with each other. In this case, it is imperative to take into account such moments as the time and duration of flowering, and the combination of a palette of colors.   


Perennial plants, as a rule, delight with their flowering for no more than three weeks. However, there are those that bloom almost all summer. Like lupine, for example. When selecting perennial plants for a flower garden, only those of them that require similar conditions for the type of soil, the frequency of watering and the type of fertilizers and dressings should be combined into groups. Also, when planting, it is necessary to leave a certain space for the development of plants over time.      

Let us consider in more detail what unpretentious perennial plants experienced gardeners recommend to beginners. In shady places, it is best to plant astilbe, daylily and dicenter, attractive with their shiny foliage and openwork inflorescences. They will decorate the site in summer and in early autumn, echinacea and rudbeckia, which look like tall multi-colored daisies. And garden chamomile does not require special care. In addition, it also reproduces itself with the help of rhizomes at the end of September.   

How to choose unpretentious flowers for a flower bed that bloom all summer -

A peony planted on a site is capable of attracting attention at the end of spring for a quarter of a century without requiring a transplant. Primrose also pleases with its flowering in early spring, however, it requires periodic transplantation for good health. For a garden in an oriental style (Japanese or Chinese), a plant such as stonecrop is perfect. If you want to lure garden elves, then plant aqualegia on the site. And lovers of outlandish bluebells of lilac, white, purple and other colors should pay attention to such a plant as hosta.


A flower bed decorated with annuals invariably pleases with bright and rich colors. At the same time, every year the composition can be radically updated. In order for annual plants to show their best, they should be provided with good lighting and nutrient-rich moist soil. Among undemanding annuals, petunia is the most popular, which is enough to plant in prepared soil and you can admire a diverse palette of shades from spring to autumn cold.   

How to choose unpretentious flowers for a flower bed that bloom all summer -

Thinking about what unpretentious annuals to plant to admire them all summer, beginners can safely opt for a night violet, a pale blue nemophila, snow-white iberis or an elegant dwarf viola that gives a unique aroma. Considering which annuals effectively drape the walls of the gazebo or fence, you can plant curly beans, decorative sweet peas or morning glory without hesitation. Also, marigolds that are undemanding to soil and resistant to lack of water are popular among beginner gardeners among annuals. The rounded leaves and the elegant orange gramophone of nasturtium will please the eye. Decorate any site and aster – the real queen of autumn. Calendula with its golden daisies will be a wonderful decoration. At the same time, she is also an excellent honey plant. The red “Christmas trees” of Sylvia inflorescences will decorate a flower garden generously endowed with sunlight with moist soil.

Video “A new way to plant marigolds”

Informative video with a new method of planting marigolds for better flowering.

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