Not just to relax, but also to better understand yourself, to spend your vacation more fulfilling, interesting … One of the options is to include training on self-knowledge in it. But which one is right for us?
The popularity of summer trainings is growing, and this is understandable. They provide an opportunity to both relax and find new interesting acquaintances, and learn a lot – understand your child or speak in front of an audience, cope with your shyness or master the art of communication. Classes in the group are conducted by a psychologist, psychotherapist or business coach. “During these days, you can master some specific skill or, for example, define your problem and look for a way to cope with it,” says psychotherapist, psychodrama specialist Kristina Shchurova. “At the same time, one should not hope to solve all the problems that have accumulated throughout life – this is rather the task of therapy.”
The idea is interesting, but many of us, when thinking about trainings, have vague fears: “I would try, but …” We usually know little about how trainings go – from the stories of acquaintances who already have experience of participating in them, and from films where thoughtful people sit in a circle with a psychologist and take turns sharing their problems … “Won’t I look like a loser?” we ask ourselves.
Some of us remember Kashpirovsky’s television sessions, his piercing gaze and healing “installations” that promised the audience to get rid of all ailments … “Will I fall into the hands of charlatans?”
Many have heard of sales training, and some have taken part in tough job training to develop professional skills… “Will I lose my uniqueness?” Indeed, it is worth taking a closer look at all these issues and only after that decide which training to prefer this summer. Seven tips to help you make the right choice.
Where to begin
If you are in individual therapy, consult with a therapist. Knowing your personal history and needs, he will give sound advice. Perhaps you will benefit from classes in a psychotherapeutic group, where each participant solves his own psychological problems. In contrast, training is a group work in which all participants (usually 12–15 people) have a common goal: for example, to learn to say “no” or to feel self-confidence. In group exercises, the desired skill is worked out: after all, the word “training” itself means “training”. What about personal development training? “Personal development, of course, is not something that can be obtained through training,” notes Kristina Shchurova. – It is about exploring your inner world, its resources. But if you achieve your goals through thematic training, one of the “by-products” will be personal growth.”
In some cases, the choice of training is also a matter of money: participation in a group is cheaper than individual consultations with a psychologist. Define your goals (what do you want to get or what to get rid of) and choose the appropriate training on the topic. Keep in mind that the title does not always accurately reflect its content, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the program and schedule. The more detailed they are, the more complete your idea of what lies ahead will be.
Except where otherwise noted, participation does not require special psychological knowledge. However, it is useful to clarify with the organizers whether they have any wishes for future participants. And also learn about the method that the leader uses in his work. It can be a fairy tale, dance, theatre, yoga, gestalt therapy or NLP… What is closer to you? Treat yourself to pleasure – after all, you also have a vacation!
With accommodation or without?
In the summer, many trainings are held outside the city, in boarding houses and rest homes. This allows their participants to get into a special atmosphere, break away from the usual environment with its routine, worries and spend several days alone with themselves, with their new sensations. In addition, several days as part of a permanent group provide an opportunity for its members to exchange views freely, without fear that their views and behavior will be assessed by outsiders. However, for those who do not like the idea of a “commune”, with bedrooms for several people, it makes sense to find out in advance whether it is possible to live alone. Take a look at the websites of the organizers, where photos of training venues, rooms, and work areas are presented. This will help you make a more accurate choice.
Assess the risk of sectarianism
This question often arises when it comes to trainings related to spiritual practices and leadership psychology. “We learn about them, as a rule, by word of mouth,” says Kristina Shchurova. – If, after participating in such a training, your friend’s life improved, he became more sociable, his relationships with loved ones improved, all these are signs of psychological well-being, which means good training. What should be of concern? If your friend insists that he is now a leader, that he knows how to live right. The reason for refusing to participate is also the conviction of the organizers that everyone needs to become a member of their large and friendly family, that relationships with other participants in the training are more important than relationships with relatives and friends. The task of a psychologist and psychotherapist is to help clients cope with problems on their own, and not tie them to themselves. Other warning signs: if the facilitator claims that his technique is the only one that “works”; the organizers do not give time to think, they rush to sign up for the group; offer to start recruiting a couple more participants for the training. Participation is your free choice and you are free to leave the training at any time. To reduce the risk of error, find out what is the reputation of the training organization among professionals, discuss this issue on the forums on the Internet.
Determine leader competence
A few days before the start of the training, the trainers often conduct individual interviews or open meetings. You have the opportunity to ask clarifying questions, ask about the method of work. In addition, you can feel whether you have contact with a psychologist, whether he inspires confidence in you. “Psychologists are also interested in such a preliminary acquaintance,” says Elena Shuvarikova, director of the Here and Now psychological center, Gestalt therapist. – It helps to see with whom we will work, to make sure that we have enough qualifications for this, to assess whether our methodology is suitable for the participants. And if the presenter lives in another city and there is no opportunity to meet him in advance, you can find his articles and books, get acquainted with the description of the approach and expected results on the website of the psychological center where he works. Psychological training can only be conducted by a person with a higher psychological education. You have the right to receive from the organizers (before signing up for the training and paying for participation in it) information about the professional training of the leader.
Have a question?
- IGISP, Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy tel. (495) 917 8020,
- “Here and Now”, psychological center t. (495) 724 8043,
St. Petersburg
- “Harmony”, Institute of Psychotherapy and Counseling tel. (812) 371 8220,
- IMATON, Institute of Practical Psychology tel. (812) 320 7154,
- Helping Practitioners Alliance t. (812) 715 6728,
- Yoga Festival tel. (921) 999 3945, (916) 556 6112,
Coordinates of other centers – in the “Addresses” section.
Training and therapy
In no case can training be a substitute for psychotherapy – it can only start the process of change. A few days of self-improvement can reveal our psychological defenses and unconscious emotions, reveal our potential, resolve individual problems… “This form of work is aimed at changing behavior,” explains Elena Shuvarikova. For example, a shy person can learn how to make friends. And during psychotherapy, the underlying causes of shyness are explored and realized. Changes after the training are immediately visible – the behavior becomes noticeably different. And the results of therapy appear gradually – this is not only a change in a particular form of behavior, but also a different quality of life. And of course, it takes a much longer time.”
Long term effect
Whether the effect of summer training will be long-term depends on how ready we are for change and how we manage our acquisitions. A few days of self-improvement can give a great boost of energy, but our familiar environment will not change. “Returning home can be difficult,” warns Elena Shuvarikova, “and here you need to follow the safety rules. Members of different groups explore their inner world to varying degrees – it all depends on the topic. Sometimes the dive is very deep. It can be compared to diving to a great depth under water – too sharp “ascent” can cause a kind of decompression. Therefore, we pay great attention to the fact that the facilitators prepare the participants of the training to return to everyday life. We recommend that within a month after the end of the training, do not make important decisions, do not try to drastically change your life and the lives of loved ones. You should also not immediately start studying serious psychological literature, it is better to more fully assimilate the knowledge gained and realize the changes that have occurred in you. You can ask the facilitator for advice on how to continue your development so that the benefits of the new experience do not dissipate and the training does not become just one of the memories of the vacation …
long or short
Some facilitators and therapists offer their ongoing workshops in different variations. As an example, Elena Shuvarikova describes the “Meeting of Differences” summer intensive, which is held by the “Here and Now” psychological center in Abkhazia: “It is organized like this: in the morning all participants work as part of a group analysis. During the day, in several small groups, they get acquainted with gestalt therapy and the existential approach, then each participant undergoes individual therapy, and in the evening attends workshops of their choice: art therapy, family constellations according to Hellinger and others. Being able to look at the same problem from different perspectives makes it very efficient.” Such an intensive helps to reveal psychological mechanisms that are difficult to recognize in everyday life due to the usual stress and congestion at work and in the family. Sometimes such trainings start the process of genuine internal transformation – provided that the person is ready for it. Almost all the leaders of field trainings lead groups throughout the year – on weekends or on weekdays, in the evenings. Depending on your desire and the chosen topic, in some cases it is possible to continue classes in the format of individual psychotherapeutic sessions.