How to choose the right veal?
The term “veal” refers to the meat of bulls up to six months of age. Such meat has a specific taste and tenderness. Veal is a dietary type of meat, but it is also eaten like beef.
Veal can be stewed, boiled, fried, baked, but before buying it is better to immediately determine for which dish this ingredient will be used… Regardless of the variety, young cattle meat is tender compared to beef or pork. For pulp with broth, it is better to choose meat with fat or bones for a more rich consistency.
The classification of veal combs does not differ from that of beef. The first category includes the sirloin and rib parts, rump and thigh, the second grade – the neck and meat from the sides of the animal, and the third grade – meat from the shanks and shank.
How to choose veal
The main nuances of choosing veal are the smell, color and firmness of the meat. The product is first assessed visually, then it must be carefully checked by touch and, if possible, its smell assessed. If the veal is packaged, then you should separately study the information on the package and do not disregard the date of production and shelf life.
What kind of veal should I buy:
- unlike beef, fresh veal smells like fresh milk;
- veal is distinguished by a rich light red meat color;
- the fat layers in veal are always white (they become yellowish with age and are typical for beef);
- the color of the veal should be uniform (spots of any color on the meat indicate its improper storage, transportation or animal diseases, the taste of such a product will be significantly impaired);
- fresh veal has an elastic consistency (when pressed with a finger, there should be no pits, and the meat quickly takes on its original shape);
- the structure of the meat must be uniform (loose veal can only be with frequent use of drugs or chemical additives);
- the lighter the veal, the younger the animal was.
What kind of veal is not recommended to buy:
- if there are extraneous odors in the aroma of veal, then you should not purchase such meat;
- the pungent and pungent smell of meat should also be the reason for refusing to buy it;
- if the meat does not smell, then when raising livestock, chemical compositions were used to increase the weight of the animal or accelerate its growth (calves are small in size, so such experiments are not uncommon);
- the absence of smell may be evidence that veal was soaked in vinegar (this procedure is used to eliminate a rotten smell);
- veal with a swollen structure was previously filled with liquid (to increase the mass or return the presentation after airing);
- you should not buy damp, as if washed veal (some manipulations were carried out with the meat);
- if the veal has clearly visible depressions, then it was stored or transported incorrectly;
- if the veal sticks to your fingers, then you should not buy it (this is a sign of spoilage of the meat);
- if the fat of the veal has acquired a yellow tint, and the meat has lost its pink color and became darker, then the animal has already begun to eat bait and grass, so the meat will be tougher.
If the meat is purchased fresh, and not frozen, it is imperative to visually evaluate all available pieces. If the veal is sharply different in color, then it is better not to buy it from this seller. The meat was either mixed with stale food or was stored incorrectly. If pieces are cut from one carcass, then they cannot be of a different shade.