How to choose the right turkey meat?
A good turkey is always plump and meaty. It is sold both as a whole and cut into pieces. In terms of taste, all parts of the turkey have their own distinctive characteristics. In order to meet expectations, it is important not only to determine in advance what type of meat of this poultry is needed, but also to choose a really high-quality product.
Turkey can be sold:
- as a whole;
- in the form of a soup set (with a lot of bones);
- in the form of separate parts (drumstick, breast, wings, thighs).
Turkey is sold in the following types:
- chilled meat;
- frozen turkey.
How to identify good turkey meat
The color of the turkey meat may vary. The bird species plays a key role in this case. The traditional shade is considered a light pink version. When buying meat in packaging, do not forget about checking its integrity and tightness. Do not buy turkey in damaged containers or bags. If there is an accumulation of liquid in the package, then it is also recommended to refuse it.
Signs of quality and fresh turkey meat:
- the surface of the skin, regardless of whether the whole turkey or its parts is bought, must be free of damage, bruising or dark spots resembling bruises;
- the smell of turkey meat is mild (typical for poultry);
- the eyes of a turkey, if it is acquired whole, should be convex, the cornea is shiny, clouding of the eyeball is not permissible;
- turkey skin is always light (let’s say a light yellow tint);
- when pressed, the meat should instantly return to its shape;
- the meat should have a healthy shine and an even color;
- turkey meat should be practically dry (no liquid is released when pressed, and when it comes into contact with a paper napkin, moisture should not be present on its surface);
- there should be no feathers or their remnants on the skin of the turkey;
- the fat of a young bird is always light (it darkens with age);
- there should be no mucus-like secretions on the surface of the turkey meat.
Signs of a young turkey:
- if a turkey breast is bought, then special attention should be paid to the presence of cartilage (in an adult bird, the cartilage gradually decreases and turns into bone);
- the maximum weight of a young bird is no more than 10 kg;
- the older the bird, the thicker and more powerful its joints become;
- only a young turkey can have gray legs.
What kind of turkey you shouldn’t buy
Eating any spoiled meat has serious consequences. The turkey is no exception. As a result of mistakes, you can get indigestion or even food poisoning.
You should not buy a turkey if the following signs are present:
- if the skin of the turkey has lacerations, bruises or bruises, then you should not buy it;
- sunken cloudy eyes indicate the low quality of the turkey (such a product has been repeatedly defrosted and then frozen);
- clouding of the cornea around the eye and increased moisture in the beak;
- when pressed, dents remain on the skin or meat (only an old bird can have flabby muscles);
- an unpleasant smell resembling rot (it is especially necessary to check the abdominal cavity for odor if the turkey is bought as a whole);
- mucus on the surface of skin or meat (can be checked with your hand or tissue);
- the meat is easily separated from the bone;
- the meat is flaking and does not adhere tightly to the skin;
- there are feathers or their remnants on the surface of the skin;
- darkened fat (a sign of turkey aging);
- uneven skin coloration (with yellow streaks or darkened areas);
- chapped surface of meat or skin.
The presence of a pungent smell in turkey meat indicates the rapid growth of bacteria.… Thorough rinsing will not correct this problem. Water can eliminate the foul odor, but bacteria will still remain. Eating such a turkey is hazardous to health.