How to choose the right Turk for brewing coffee, which is better in terms of volume

How to choose the right Turk for brewing coffee, which is better in terms of volume

Find out how to choose a Turk. There are many types of these dishes, which differ in appearance and material of manufacture.

How to choose the right Turk for brewing coffee

When choosing this cookware, you can get confused, as there are many types from different materials. Of course, the copper Turks are the best. They have high thermal conductivity and thick walls. The only drawback is the release of harmful substances when heated.

Before choosing a Turk, carefully examine it

An alternative to the copper Turks can be:

  • clay. They are cheap, the drink is tasty, but these dishes will not survive a fall. Ceramic Turks have the same advantages and disadvantages as clay Turks. When this cookware is removed from the heat, the coffee continues to boil. He can run away;
  • brass. They are strong and durable. They will be able to prepare a Turkish coffee drink;
  • aluminum. Cheap and durable, but only one type of coffee drink can be prepared in them;
  • made of stainless steel. The material is not harmful, but due to uneven heating, the coffee drink may burn;
  • silver. This is the most durable, but also very expensive dish.

Choose material based on your financial capabilities. It is important that the dishes are of the correct shape. The Turk should have a wide bottom, then it is more stable, and a narrow throat. This appearance preserves the coffee aroma.

Beginning coffee makers should purchase dishes with a funnel neck, then there is less chance that the coffee drink will run off onto the stove.

Be sure to buy a thick-bottomed Turk. The optimal thickness is 1,5-2 mm. The most convenient crockery with a long handle made of wood, located at an angle.

Which Turkish coffee by volume is better

Do not buy big Turks, they will not make the drink so tasty. The optimal volume is 100-150 ml. This is enough to prepare 2 coffees. If you are not sure that you will be able to keep track of so that the liquid does not run away, then take larger dishes.

To prepare a delicious coffee drink, follow these recommendations:

  • water should not boil, the optimum temperature is 90-95˚С;
  • buy coffee beans, grind it yourself just before preparation.

During preparation, make sure that the coffee drink does not burn.

When buying a Turkish turkey, pay attention to its condition. Evaluate the quality of the inner coating, see if there are any cracks. It is unacceptable to use a damaged Turk.

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