How to choose the right trout in the store, fresh or not

How to choose the right trout in the store, fresh or not

Before heading out for salmon, learn about how to choose trout to buy a natural, undisturbed product. The information indicated on the label does not always correspond to reality, and the rules for transporting or storing the product may be violated.

How to choose the right fish in the store

Trout belongs to the salmon family. It is sold in various forms. If it is a whole fish, there will be a purple or silver stripe on the side of the carcass. In order to buy natural fish, pay attention to its appearance.

If the buyer knows how to choose the trout, then the sellers will not be able to deceive him.

Buy a trout that looks like it has just been caught from the sea and has:

  • transparent eyes and clear, bright red gills;
  • uniform, moist scales without damage. If there are dry areas, it means that the transportation rules have been violated, and bacteria can accumulate in the damaged areas. Too shiny scales indicate that the manufacturer or sellers used chemicals to give a presentation;
  • firm fish and fillets. Press on the meat, if there are dents or liquid leaked out, this means that the seller used water to increase the mass;
  • light pink fillet with white veins. If the meat is bright pink, then the trout was grown artificially using antibiotics. Such a product is hazardous to health;
  • trout should smell like the sea, not the river.

These are the main signs to look out for when buying fish. Also, look at the packaging. If you see the word “ripeners”, it means that bone dissolving agents were used. These substances are harmful to human health.

Buy only natural and safe products.

How to tell if fish is fresh or not

The following signs indicate long-term storage of fish:

  • cloudy eyes;
  • dry skin and scales;
  • withered tail;
  • weathered meat.

This fish has been stored for more than the prescribed period – more than 2 years from the date of production for a frozen product or more than 2 weeks for chilled fish.

Spoiled trout can be identified by their gills – they begin to emit an unpleasant odor. So smell them. If the fish starts to spoil, then the scales will be sticky, and the fillets will dents after pressing.

While at home, immerse the fish in water: fresh trout will sink down, and spoiled trout will remain on the surface.

Examine the fish carefully and don’t be fooled.

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