How to choose the right tangerines are sweet, delicious and seedless
Among all the variety of varieties, you need to know how to choose tangerines so that they are ripe. The fruit may be beautiful to look at but sour.
How to choose the right delicious tangerines
Only ripe fruits have good taste characteristics. To determine ripeness, do the following manipulations: press a little on the tangerine, juice should sprinkle from it. Then separate the skin from the pulp; in a ripe fruit, it comes off easily.
How to choose juicy and sweet tangerines?
There is a lot to learn from the peel, so consider these tips:
- no dents should be left when pressing the fruit. The peel is firm. If it is dry or soft, then the quality of the fruit is poor;
- a high-quality tangerine has a clean skin, without green spots and streaks. It should not stick or shine unnaturally. This is a sign of a high chemical content. Dark spots and rot may indicate a tangerine infestation by a fruit fly larva;
- there are no traces of mold on the peel, a pleasant citrus aroma emanates from tangerines;
- peel of a uniform color; the darker its shade, the more sugar the fruit contains.
The quality of tangerines largely depends on compliance with the rules of transportation and storage. Ripe fruits are always slightly flattened.
How to choose pitted sweet tangerines
Even ripe, quality fruits can be sour. It all depends on the variety. Much juicier are medium-sized tangerines with bright orange or yellow skin. Large fruits are often sour.
Lightweight citrus fruits are also not worth buying. They are not juicy.
Popular sugary varieties:
- “Pixie”. Fruits are orange in color, no seeds;
- “Clementine”. Tangerines are small in size, orange in color. They are juicy but contain a lot of seeds. The pulp separates easily;
- Dancy. Fruits are small in size with a dark orange skin and an uneven surface;
- “Anchor”. The appearance of the fruit is not very attractive. There are dark spots on the peel, but this is not rot;
- “Tangor”. It is a hybrid variety of Turkish mandarins. Fruits are large, orange-red in color.
When choosing tangerines, be sure to inquire about the country of cultivation. Abkhaz fruits have practically no seeds, but they have a sour taste. Spanish mandarins are juicy and can be recognized by their bright orange peel. Turkish fruits are yellow in color, they are sour, but Moroccan, although small, are juicy and seedless. They have an orange or even reddish skin color.
Before eating tangerines for food, be sure to wash them in hot water or pour over boiling water. Store for no more than a month in the refrigerator.