How to choose the right sunscreen?

How to choose the right sunscreen?

To protect yourself from the sun, it is essential to choose suitable sun protection. This should be adapted according to their age, skin type and exposure to the sun (frequency of exposure and intensity of solar radiation). In addition, it should consist of non-allergenic substances and should ideally be environmentally friendly.

The different types of skin

Fragile or atopic-prone skin should not be exposed to the sun. Ditto for skin with scars, acne, rosacea, etc. Likewise, skins with many moles should be exposed with caution as they represent a significant risk factor for the development of skin cancer. There are different skin tones classified by phototype, ranging from the weakest (light skin tone) to the highest (dark skin tone). Dark skin tones will suffer less from the sun than light skin tones. Phototype 0 corresponds to very light complexions (albino for example) with skin that burns easily. Exposure is totally discouraged.

– Phototype 1 corresponds to very fair, white skin, with blond or red hair, blue or green eyes. These skins burn easily in the sun. Exposure should be controlled with high sun protection. 

– Phototype 2 corresponds to very fair skin which can become tanned, blond or light brown hair, the skin burns easily and tans slightly. The sun protection index must be high. 

– Phototype 3 corresponds to tanned skin, fair hair, the skin is sensitive to sunburn but still tans with suitable protection (high protection).

– Phototype 4 corresponds to dark skin, chestnut or brown hair, skin tans easily. Sun protection should be average. 

– Phototype 5 corresponds to dark skin, with dark hair and eyes. The skin tans easily. Sun protection may be poor. 

– Phototype 6 corresponds to black skin, black hair and eyes. Sun protection may be poor.

The sun protection index

The sun’s rays can be harmful to the skin, they are ultraviolet rays called UVB. They are the ones that cause sunburns and are the cause of skin cancer. UVA rays also cause damage to the skin, in particular they are responsible for the destruction of collagen and elastin fibers which ensure the tone of the skin.

In accordance with European regulations, sunscreens must guarantee UVA protection at least equal to one third of UVB protection. For example, for a protection factor of 30 for UVB rays, protection against UVA rays will be at least 10. Sun protection products therefore mention the Sun Protection Factor (SPF, or Sun Protector Factor, or SPF) on their packaging. in English) against these UVB rays. The UV index varies between 1 and 11. 

Regarding Sun Protection Factors, there are 4 categories and 8 indices. The index corresponds to the quantity of UVB received by the skin. The index is to be chosen according to the solar radiation and the type of skin; for weak protection, choose an SPF of 6 to 10; for medium protection, an SPF of 15 to 25; for a high protection, an SPF of 30 to 50. Finally, for a very high protection, the SPF must be more than 50 The sun filters will be chosen with care. Mineral screens present little risk of allergy. They are recommended for children and sensitive skin. Chemical or synthetic filters are very effective but not necessarily good for the environment.

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