How to choose the right sunglasses?

The closer summer is, the more the fair sex is puzzled by the questions of their acquisition. True, most often ladies are interested in fashion trends, and not in the quality of optics. Meanwhile, it is she who must be given paramount importance.

“The brightness of sunlight is just an element of inconvenience,” says Yuri Mikhailovich Kudryavtsev, an ophthalmologist of the highest category, refractive surgeon, deputy chief physician of the Tonus-AMARIS clinic. – Sunlight has two serious damaging factors – ultraviolet and infrared radiation. The latter, for example, penetrates into the deep layers of the eye and contributes to thermal burns of the retina. Namely, the center of the retina is responsible for both visual acuity and color perception. And very often, after a long stay in the bright sun, people complain that they have begun to see worse. For example, there were many similar complaints after the recent solar eclipse: people filmed this rare phenomenon with unprotected optics, looked at the luminary through some plastic glasses, smoked glass, etc. And thermal damage to the retina is a very serious thing, its consequences most often irreversible. It is possible to preserve the remnants of vision or slightly improve the condition, but to return the previous one, alas, is unrealistic.

That is why, as soon as the sun begins to bake like spring, wearing sunglasses is a must. However, it is important to remember this also in winter when the weather is bright. But what kind of glasses to choose?

In principle, any glass polarizes the sun-protection spectrum, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. It is impossible to sunbathe through glass, but the striking factor for vision does not disappear anywhere. Therefore, you need not just glasses, but lenses with UV protection. Today there are a lot of them in optics salons with varying degrees of protection (10, 20 and more percent). For day-to-day life, lenses with little protection are fine, but if you’re heading to a resort where the sun is guaranteed to shine brighter, eye protection should also be more serious.

It is best to buy glasses in specialized optics salons… Sales consultants will suggest the best option, taking into account your individual characteristics. In addition, there are corresponding documents for the entire range of sun-protection optics in the salon, where the degree of protection is indicated. Sunglasses bought on a street collapse are able to protect from light, but they may either not protect at all from ultraviolet and infrared radiation, or they do not do it enough. It is impossible to verify the properties of these optics: street vendors, as a rule, do not have any accompanying documents. And the most unpleasant thing is that this no-name optics has unreasonably high protection from light. Excessively dark glass contributes to excessive expansion of the pupil, which means that the diaphragm of the eye provides more access to the retina of harmful radiation. In the salons of optics, the degree of shading is correlated. Yes, it is somewhat more expensive there than in the metro crossing, but when it comes to health, it is important to remember that a stingy person pays twice.

There are many colors of sun lenses (green, red, pink, purple, etc.). Which ones to choose? This is, of course, a matter of taste, but the most physiological ones are gray and brown. These colors filter those beams of light that are harmful, but useful ones reach the retina without problems and provide the most accurate color reproduction. The degree of darkening of the lenses depends on what you need the glasses for: for image, for recreation, for fishing, etc.

Moreover, there are also sunscreen optics for children: it is important to take care of eye health from a young age. True, there is one “but”: if the child is busy with something traumatic, for example, outdoor games, it is better to take off his sunglasses at this moment.

If a person has problem vision (myopia, hyperopia, etc.), he needs sunglasses with diopters. The best option is photochromic glasses, which are popularly called chameleons. They darken and lighten depending on the intensity of light or the intensity of ultraviolet radiation. In any case, it is better to turn to professionals in specialized optics salon, where you will find the best option for sunglasses. Well, if, as a result of a long time spent in the bright sun without sun-protection optics, you feel that your vision has decreased or there is discomfort in your eyes, immediately contact an ophthalmologist. Delay in such cases can be fatal.

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