How to choose the right shower enclosure: what you need to know

How to choose the right shower enclosure: what you need to know

Shower-sauna, shower with a real massage … Having started transformations in the bathroom, do not buy into unreasonable promises and use the advice of Woman`s Day.

Multifunctional cabins, which can be installed instead of a bath, are gaining more and more popularity. But it’s impossible to check how this product suits you in the store – you can’t take a shower there!

Myth one: only a select few can afford this pleasure.

Today, almost everyone can afford to install a shower cabin at home. You just need to choose the right one in terms of size and finance. If you have a small bathroom, and you don’t have much money, then you can lay out tiles, make waterproofing, hang a mixer and install a shower corner, which consists of a door and a pallet.

Myth two: shower and sauna in one bottle

In a full-fledged Finnish sauna, the air temperature must be at least 80 ° C. At this heating temperature, if you accidentally touched the plastic, you would get a severe burn. Therefore, in the showers, only the Turkish bath is made, the coolest. At 100% humidity, steam heats up to 40-45 ° C. If the seller convinces you that the steam in the cabin heats up to 60 ° C, do not believe it.

There is a bath only in those cabins that are equipped with a steam generator. It is very important that a fan is installed on it. It creates air circulation. If it is not there, the steam will rise up, which means that the legs will be cold, and the head will be too hot. If the water purification function is provided in the steam generator, then the entire equipment of the cabin will work much longer.

For the massage to be real, the water from the vertically positioned nozzles must flow at different times. First, a few seconds – from the very bottom row, then from the next, and so on to the very top. Then all over again. If this is not the case, then this is not a massage, but a regular shower. Massage nozzles should be rotatable and adjustable in jet thickness.

Before you buy a multifunctional shower cabin, ask DEZE if you have sufficient water pressure at home. If the pressure is too small, then you only need to buy a shower cabin where the massage will work at a water pressure of 1,5 bar.

Myth # XNUMX: electronics are always cool

In multifunctional shower cabins, no more than 60 thousand rubles, a thermostatic mixer is better than an electronic regulator. They cannot contain electronics of the same quality as in models at a price of about 200 thousand rubles.

The fifth myth: the cabin will serve you for a long time

Almost all parts of the shower stall are made of plastic. German plastic is considered to be of the highest quality. But any, even the most expensive, plastic cabin will last a maximum of 15-20 years.

  • To prevent your feet from slipping in soapy water, choose a pallet with a pattern.
  • Angular pallets are not the best sizes. For example, a man of average build will not be able to wash in a booth whose sides are 70–80 cm. Conduct a “field test” at home: imagine that you are washing, spread your arms to the sides – and let someone measure how much space you take up.
  • Choose a cab with a comfortable seat. Do not hesitate to check the degree of comfort in the store: sit, and stretch out as if you are in a steam room.
  • When buying a cubicle, grab your bathroom plan with accurate dimensions.

As for the doors …

  • The more leaves at the door, the less space inside the cab, but at the same time the frame is stronger.
  • Good curtains open and close silently.
  • A polystyrene door is cheaper, but becomes cloudy over time, stains appear on it.
  • It is better to buy matte or with a pattern: against such a background, the traces of time are less noticeable.
  • When choosing doors, shake the frame. If it loosens easily, then discard this option.
  • Roller doors are more convenient and break less. A swing door requires more space. It is more convenient to wash it, but every 10 years it will be necessary to change the rubber gaskets.

By the way, when purchasing a multifunctional shower cubicle, get ready for the fact that the bathroom will have to be repaired.

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