How to choose the right pomelo?

How to choose the right pomelo?

Pomelo belongs to the category of citrus fruits and exceeds all known varieties of these fruits in size. The shape of the pomelo is usually round. The color may vary depending on the area of ​​growth and the characteristics of the variety.

Pomelo fruit can be:

  • green;
  • yellow;
  • light orange.

The size of a pomelo can reach 25-30 cm in diameter. Its peel is always dense and thick, and between the peel and pulp there is a thickened septum, most often white or yellowish. In addition to its size, the pomelo differs from grapefruit or orange in more elastic and pronounced pulp fibers. The presence of seeds depends on the variety. In terms of juiciness, this fruit is inferior to other varieties of citrus fruits. The thickness of the spongy crust of the pomelo can reach 5 cm, so when buying a fruit that is large at first glance, you should not rely on a large amount of pulp.

How to choose a pomelo

The process of choosing a pomelo does not imply special rules. Before buying it, the fruit is priced in the same way as the rest of the citrus fruit. The pomelo must be ripe, flavorful and grown without the use of nitrates or harmful chemicals.

Before buying the selected pomelo, it is better to carefully feel it with your fingers. When revealing depressions or seals in the peel, it is better to refuse to purchase such a fruit and find another fruit. A good quality pomelo should have a uniform skin. If there are seals or dents, then this is a sign of an incorrect or artificial way of bringing the fetus to a mature state.

Which pomelo is worth buying:

  • the pomelo peel should not have any damage or dents;
  • the pomelo should be smooth and elastic;
  • the color of the pomelo peel should be uniform (sometimes ruddy sides are allowed, and green areas on the peel do not always indicate the immaturity of the fruit);
  • the ripeness of the pomelo is checked by light pressure on the area of ​​the stalk (the surface should be elastic, but not soft or hard);
  • the aroma of the pomelo should be felt even through the peel;
  • there should be no growths on the pomelo;
  • the pomelo peel looks like an orange, but differs from it in color.

What pomelo is not worth buying:

  • if the color of the peel of the pomelo is uneven, then this nuance indicates not the immaturity of the fruit, but its low quality (such citrus fruits, most likely, were grown using chemicals or the pomelo ripened after being plucked from the tree);
  • if, when pressing on the area of ​​the stalk, a dent remains, then the fruit inside is already spoiled;
  • if the surface of the pomelo is too hard, then this is a sign of its immaturity;
  • the use of chemicals when growing pomelo can give out numerous maroon specks on its peel;
  • if there are dark spots or too soft areas on the surface of the pomelo, then you should not buy it (such signs appear when the fruit starts to rot);
  • it is not recommended to buy a pomelo with growths, traces of mechanical damage or traces of pests;
  • – too bright color of the pomelo indicates the presence of chemicals, including nitrates;
  • if the surface of the fruit is sticky or too shiny, then, most likely, it was treated with special substances to give a presentation and prolong the external signs of freshness;
  • pomelo without aroma or with an unpleasant odor (bitterness, dampness, grass, mold) is not worth buying.

If you buy an immature or overripe pomelo, you won’t be able to feel all its traditional taste.… The taste of such a fruit will be radically different from the standard characteristics. In addition, if you cut off the spoiled areas, then the flesh may still contain bitterness or an unpleasant aftertaste. It is not recommended to eat any fruits with signs of decay, and the pomelo is no exception in this case. Substances released when fruit decays can cause serious harm to digestion and overall health.

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