How to choose the right persimmon?

How to choose the right persimmon?

How to choose the right persimmon?

How to choose the right persimmon?

Persimmon ripening time – November, December Collected, it is able to lie for a long time without losing its beneficial properties. Therefore, the main period of its consumption is the winter months. The value of persimmon is determined primarily by its high content of vitamin A, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, iron, dietary fiber. There are many other vitamins and minerals in it.

Choosing a ripe persimmon

  • Color ripe fruit is rich, red-orange. A light orange color indicates that the fruit is not yet ripe.
  • Skin the “correct” persimmon is smooth and thin, slightly translucent, giving it an amber appearance.
  • Peel surface in sweet persimmons, as a rule, it is covered with a small amount of thin brown dry stripes. But dark rounded specks are a sign of incipient damage.
  • Fetal firmness Is another important sign. Perfectly hard – not ripe. Too soft – overripe, such a fruit will be very tasty, but it cannot be stored. The Korolek variety has a denser consistency than other varieties.
  • Amniotic leaves when ripe, the fruit is dark and withered.
  • Let’s look under the leaves… The base of ripe fruits has a brownish tint, while unripe and tart fruits have a bright orange color.
  • Completely dry peduncle indicates that the persimmon was removed from the tree already fully ripe. If the stalk does not look completely dry, then the fruit was harvested immature and ripened after picking. Such persimmons will be sweet and practically not tart, but less aromatic.

The shape of the fruit in various varieties of persimmon is from cylindrical to flattened. But, the most delicious varieties are considered to be rounded.

If you bought a persimmon that is not yet fully ripe, you can remove the astringency from the fruit by placing it in a warm, shaded place for several days. Persimmons ripen well if they were put in a bag with apples or bananas, which will speed up ripening. The quickest way to remove the astringency is a few hours in the fridge freezer.


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