How to choose the right moonshine for home

Many moonshiners, based on many years of experience in making alcohol, prefer to use structures made by themselves for distillation. However, the manufacture of such a system is not for everyone, and it does not always justify itself.

For a reasonable price, you can find a decent moonshine still, without thinking about the intricacies of its design and assembly. The choice of models is quite wide, so before buying it is recommended to consider different options and decide on important parameters.

Traditional distillers

The most popular option, which is used by both experienced distillers and beginners.


  1. Affordable price

  2. Ease of operation

  3. The ability to preserve the original aroma and taste of raw materials, the manufacture of various drinks.


  1. Loss of time 2-3 times distillation.

  2. Faction division.

  3. The need for additional purification of mash (especially grain and sugar) to obtain a quality product.

  4. The impossibility of complete purification from impurities.

This group includes the following options: a classic apparatus with and without a steamer, alambic. The latter option is very expensive and beautiful: the upper part is made in the form of a dome, copper is usually used as the material. However, in practical terms, the device does not bring any benefit: it should be purchased only as a gift.

For regular distillation, it is better to use a classic apparatus.

As for the presence or absence of a sukhoparnik, there are several nuances. Contrary to the assurances of the sellers, the steamer does not carry much benefit in terms of cleaning from harmful impurities, but it allows you to flavor moonshine and produce unusual drinks, such as calvados, whiskey, cognac, etc. It also protects the coil from splashes.

Among the classic models, budget options “Peasant Woman 2.0”, “Slavyanka” are popular, from more expensive devices: “Dobry Zhar”, “Germany”, “Japan”, “Finland”.

Column type apparatus

More expensive and technically complex designs that allow you to get the most pure high-strength product without repeated distillation.

This category of devices includes 2 types of columns: mash and distillation.

  1. Brazhnaya

    used to obtain any drink: from ordinary moonshine to “special” distillates, such as whiskey, cognac, or chacha. The disadvantage of such an apparatus is in significant losses of alcohol from mash: from 40 to 70%. This means that about half of the total amount of alcohol contained in Braga can be extracted. Advantages: versatility, high-quality purification from impurities while maintaining the aromatic properties of raw materials, reasonable price, relative ease of operation.

  2. distillation column

    usually used to produce pure strong alcohol (94-96%) without taste and smell. The design often includes several modes of operation and, if necessary, can be turned into a conventional distiller or beer column. Requires certain skills in moonshine brewing. “Pros”: high degree of purification, variability of use. “Cons”: high cost, large dimensions.

The most popular devices of this type are Wayne 4, Luksstal 5, Drunk Deluxe Pro, and Rodnik.

Important characteristics of moonshine still

  1. Cube volume, performance

    For beginners, the average capacity of 15–20 liters is optimal. If large volumes of production are planned, you can consider devices for 30-50 liters. The more productive the device, the larger and more expensive it is. The average performance benchmark for classic distillers is 2–4 l/h. Distillation columns are slower, but produce a purer product.

  2. Material

    Home craftsmen make distillation devices from any materials. The most reliable and safe options are food grade stainless steel and copper. Avoid aluminum. “Stainless steel” is more affordable than copper, so it is used more often. The optimal wall thickness is 1–2 mm.

  3. design Features

    Standard devices are similar in execution. But it is worth paying attention to the little things that can cause inconvenience in the process. A collapsible version is preferable to a non-collapsible one, as it facilitates maintenance and washing. The presence of drain valves on the cube and the steamer simplifies operation. If you plan to use the device in a country house with unreliable water supply, you should choose models that do not require running water. The “plus” is the presence of at least one thermometer. The presence of automation both simplifies and complicates the work. When any of its elements fails, the entire system usually stops working, which is not very convenient.

Common mistakes when choosing a moonshine still

  1. The choice of apparatus with a small distillation cube

    It should be borne in mind that the volume of the container does not correspond to the product output, but fill it only ¾. To get a large amount of moonshine, you will need several distillations or a capacious cube.

  2. Ignoring home conditions

    The owner of a spacious villa can afford almost any option, even a high distillation column, even a “mini-factory” for the production of moonshine. But if the housing conditions are cramped, you need to think in advance where the device will be placed. If there is not enough space in the kitchen, you can pay attention to the apparatus with heating elements: it will save space and get rid of being tied to the stove.

  3. Purchasing goods from dubious sellers

    This item, in principle, can be attributed to any purchases. When it comes to moonshine stills, don’t be fooled by promises of “100% pure,” “double distilled,” “imported,” “super-fast distilled,” or lots of options and gifts (which may not be necessary). It is better to make sure that the company has a good reputation.

  4. Buying a very cheap/expensive model

    Among the budget options there are decent options, but you should not miss anything in order to save money. Otherwise, you will soon have to buy a new device, not to mention the impact on health of low-quality materials. Too expensive devices should be purchased, weighing all the advantages and disadvantages well: they do not always justify their cost.

  5. Choice of apparatus with a narrow neck or several dry steamers

    A hand should easily pass into the neck so that you can wash the structure without any problems. As for several dry steamers, this is nothing more than a marketing ploy: their quantity does not affect the quality of moonshine. The only “plus” is an increase in the degree.

Bottom line from Shake

If you plan to make only high-quality pure vodka, it is better to give preference to a distillation column.

If you want to experiment with the aromas and tastes of alcohol and at the same time save money, you should purchase a traditional distiller.

If you plan to produce different types of alcohol and are not embarrassed by the loss of mash, you can stop at the mash column.

Before buying, it is recommended to read reviews, chat with experts on the moonshiners forum and ask the seller in detail.

How to choose the right moonshine?

Relevance: 13.02.2019

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Moonshine stills and accessories

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