How to choose the right honey

Honey lovers know how to tell a real treat from a fake sugar syrup. These are the secrets:

  • Dip a stick in the honey and lift it over the jar. Real honey will run off in a thread and form a turret on the surface, and then spread. Fake honey will drip and splatter.
  • To check for the presence of chalk, which some vendors add to thicken, you need to drip vinegar or any other acid into a spoonful of honey. The chalk in the honey will hiss.
  • To eliminate starch in honey, you need to prepare a solution from a teaspoon of honey dissolved in a glass of boiling water. Drop iodine into the cooled solution – the starchy drink will turn blue.
  • At the end of September, all sold honey, except for acacia and chestnut, should be crystallized. If honey is liquid, it was most likely heated for presentation, which means that it has lost a significant part of its vitamins.
  • Real honey should be cloudy due to the protein substances it contains.
  • Real honey should be slightly bitter and not overly sweet.

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