How to choose the right grapefruit?

How to choose the right grapefruit?

grapefruit – an exotic fruit with a slightly bitter taste and special beneficial properties. Its distinctive nuance is precisely the unusual aftertaste, which differs from oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits. Choosing the right grapefruit is an important factor that can change the mind about this fruit forever.

The main types of grapefruit

Traditionally, grapefruit has been classified into three main categories. There are many varieties of this fruit, but the principle of choosing fruits for consumption is almost always carried out according to one principle.

The main types of grapefruit:

  • red (the sweetest variety, differs in the maximum amount of antioxidants in its composition);
  • yellow (has a sweet and sour taste);
  • orange (the sourest variety with a bitter aftertaste).

How to determine the maturity of a grapefruit

A ripe grapefruit can be identified by several factors. Elasticity is one of the main signs of a ripe fruit. For weight comparison, you can take several fruits and, holding them in your hands, give preference to the one that is heavier. This indicator also indicates the maturity of the fruit. Next, you need to carefully examine the fetus.

Signs of a ripe grapefruit:

  • the presence of a pleasant and rich aroma that can be felt even through the peel;
  • wrinkles, scars and other defects on the surface of the peel should not be (an exception is considered to be traces from branches that appear as a result of the natural growth of the fruit);
  • ripe grapefruits have orange, pink or yellow skin;
  • red or reddish spots on the peel are considered a kind of indicator of the degree of sweetness of a grapefruit (the more spots of this shade, the sweeter the fruit will be);
  • dark, most often brown spots on the skin are a signal that the fruit is starting to spoil.

Some people prefer to buy fruit with spoiled patches. On the one hand, such fruits are cheaper, on the other hand, there is a misconception that such grapefruits have reached maximum ripeness and will certainly be sweet and juicy. This point of view is erroneous. In the place where rot begins to develop, a huge amount of toxins and harmful microorganisms accumulates. If you cut off the spoiled section of the pulp, then you will not be able to get rid of these elements. Eating grapefruits on the verge of decay causes significant harm to the body, therefore, they should not be purchased under any circumstances..

Grapefruit size – another important nuance that must be taken into account when choosing it. The larger the fruit, the more likely it is juicy and sweet. Red fruits initially have a milder flavor.

Grapefruit rind thickness can also be identified by its size and weight. Small and relatively light fruits will have less pulp and thicker skin. The larger the fruit, the thinner the rind and the sweeter the flesh.

Brightness of the skin tone – an indicator of the ripeness of the fruit. The richer the color, the more likely you are to buy a ripe grapefruit. At home, the fruits do not ripen.

What grapefruit should not be bought

In addition to the qualities that a grapefruit should have, when buying it, you should pay attention to the factors that should become a signal to refuse to purchase fruit. One of the main nuances is the presence of the shine of the peel. To many, this property may seem a sign of ripeness and purity, but in fact it is an indicator of the processing of the hearth with special formulations to increase its shelf life. Due to this feature, when peeling the fruit, it is necessary to get rid of not only the peel, but also the film. It is these parts of the fruit that absorb all the chemicals and processing compounds as much as possible.

Do not eat grapefruit with the following symptoms:

  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • unnatural shine of the peel;
  • lack of aroma;
  • the presence of signs of decay.

In order for the grapefruit to have useful properties and traditional taste, it must be chosen correctly. Otherwise, the impression of the fruit will be spoiled by a bitter or sour taste, and it will not bring any benefit to the body.

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