How to choose the right fresh fish in the store
According to nutritionists, fish should definitely be included in the menu. In order for the body to receive substances beneficial to health, it is recommended to eat it several times a week. Therefore, it is important to know how not to make a mistake and choose the right quality product.
How to choose fish in the store
Seafood quickly disappears if not frozen. And without fish protein, fats, minerals, it is difficult to feel healthy. They strengthen hair, teeth, strengthen immunity, relieve stress. Therefore, the correct choice of fish is a guarantee of the taste of the dish and good health.
To enjoy a fish dish, you need to know how to choose the right fish.
Fish is not a cheap product, and sellers go to various tricks to pass off stale fish as a first-class product.
What to look for when buying fish:
- fresh and chilled fish. The product should smell slightly of sea and mud. An ammonia or strong fishy odor indicates that the fish is stale. A good product has moist, firm scales and tail, bulging bright eyes, and bright red or pink gills. If the gills are dark and covered in mucus, you shouldn’t buy this fish. A quality product bends rather than breaks;
- frozen fish. To preserve all the beneficial properties, the fish needs to be frozen only once. Buy a product covered in a thin layer of ice. There should be no cracks or stains on it. They talk about freezing too deep. A fish lighter in weight is a product not sold on time, from which moisture has evaporated. Check the tightness of the factory packaging, pay attention to the fact that there is no frost on it;
- red fish. These expensive varieties are often tinted. Do not use fish with a uniform red cut. It must have light streaks. Salmon should be free of spots and dots on the sides. In this case, her meat will be tasteless, since she was caught during spawning;
- fillet. What matters is elasticity, smell, color. If the bite is loose, there is too much water in the fillet. Don’t buy pitted fillets. They are dissolved in a special chemical solution, which is unsafe for your family’s health.
Careful attention to the purchase of fish will ensure that it has full nutritional value.
How to choose fresh fish from your aquarium
It is advisable to ask the seller if he has a certificate for the product. When buying live fish, pay attention to the mobility of the specimen. A healthy fish swims at the bottom of the tank, it moves a lot and actively. If the fish is inactive or turns upside down, it is not recommended to take such a representative of the aquatic world.
You cannot save on this vital product. Buy fish carefully to maximize the health benefits of the aquatic creatures.