How to choose the right flounder?

How to choose the right flounder?

How to choose the right flounder?

The process of choosing a flounder is no different from evaluating quality fish of other species, however, there are some nuances that must be taken into account. Some features of the appearance and structure of the body will help determine a fresh and really tasty flounder.

The body of the flounder is thin, and a distinctive feature is the unusual arrangement of the eyes next to each other on only one side of the head. When buying fish, you need to examine it from different angles. One part of it is always dark with characteristic orange splashes, while the other is white and rather rough.

Flounder can be sold:

  • frozen (shock freeze or ice glaze);
  • chilled (by weight or packaged).

Large individuals of flounder can reach a length of 40 cm. It is better to buy medium-sized fish. The older the flounder, the more tough the meat will be. Although rigidity in this case should not be taken literally. A quality flounder is always tender and juicy fish.

How to choose a flounder

It is easier to assess the quality of flounder if you buy it chilled. Attention should be paid to the coloration, gills, eyes and body of the fish in general. Flounder is a marine inhabitant, so its smell is weak. Marine fragrance should not contain foreign odors.

What kind of flounder should you buy:

  • the surface of the chilled flounder should be flat, without damage or doubtful stains;
  • the gills of chilled flounder are always pink, and the eyes are clear;
  • if you press your finger on the skin of a chilled flounder, then there should be no dents (high-quality fish always takes its original shape after pressing and does not deform);
  • when comparing commercially available flounder, it is better to give preference to more meaty fish;
  • flounder fillet is always white;
  • the scales of the flounder are slightly rough on both sides (the flounder should not be slippery to the touch or have a coating resembling mucus);
  • on the light side of the flounder, dark spots or specks can be noticeable (you need to look closely at such spots, if it is clearly visible that this is the color of the skin, then you can buy fish);
  • flounder fins and tail (regardless of gender and age) always have orange blotches (this nuance is a color feature);
  • if the flounder is bought in a package, then you need to check the container or package for damage (sealed areas, tears and other defects should be a reason for refusing to buy fish).

When buying frozen flounder, you should pay attention to the information indicated on the labels, compare the shelf life and packaging, as well as the amount of ice. Sometimes the fish is sold in ice glaze, the layer of which should not be too thick. Snow or ice only in some areas of the flounder testifies to its repeated freezing. The same nuance is indicated by a yellow coating on the surface of the fish. You cannot buy such a flounder.

What flounder is not worth buying:

  • if there is the slightest suspicion of stale flounder, you cannot buy it (fish poisoning is the most dangerous);
  • not staleness of flounder can be indicated by black gills, plaque on the surface of scales, dull eyes, as well as extraneous odors in the traditional “sea” scent;
  • flounder fillet cannot have shades (if you can see that the meat is not white, then you should refuse to buy flounder);
  • the stickiness of the scales is also a sign of flounder spoilage;
  • if the spots on the light surface of the flounder resemble plaque or adhered thin plates, then buying such fish is not worth it (spots can be a sign of disease or parasite infestation).

In its natural habitat, the flounder not only swims in the water, but literally crawls along the bottom. Due to this lifestyle, her skin becomes like sandpaper. Fresh flounder is always rough. If too much time has passed since its catch, then mucus appears between the microscopic spines. You need to buy the most rough flounder.

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