😉 Greetings to my regular and new readers! Dear ladies and adorable girls, here is the basic information on how to choose the right face cream. Hope you find the tips and videos helpful.
Face cream: which one to choose?
Every modern woman has her favorite face care product. After all, not a single beauty wants to grow old and makes every effort to prolong her youth. Someone takes care of the skin at home, using the advice of grandmothers.
But most girls go to makeup stores and buy what they see in the ad. How to choose the right face cream and what rules should you follow?
You cannot “smear” with anything, and even more so save on your health. You need to understand that a quality cream cannot be cheap. Of course, the quality does not always depend on the price. Often advertised brands are inferior to budget cosmetics.
However, a cheap remedy will not harm you at best, but it will not bring any benefit either. Of course, it is not necessary to spend money on elite funds, but you should pay attention to products of at least an average price category.
In order for the cream to give the desired result, at least 3-5 active ingredients must be present in its composition. These are plant extracts, natural and essential oils, vitamins and minerals, flavonoids, coumarins, glycosides and other components that can improve the condition of the skin.
Active elements normalize metabolic processes in the balls of the epidermis, regulate the production of sebum, improve blood circulation and prevent moisture loss. The more active ingredients a product contains, the more effective it is.
The composition of each cream also includes such components, without which it cannot be made. These are preservatives, thickeners and stabilizers, colorants and fragrances. There should be a minimum of these ingredients, as they are unhealthy. Do not get carried away with creams, which include formaldehyde and other dangerous constituents.
A good quality cream should be well absorbed. Manufacturers add mineral oil, glycerin, cosmetic paraffin, petroleum jelly to cheap products. The result from the work of these substances is only visual. They lay on the face with a film that prevents moisture loss.
Fine wrinkles become less noticeable, peeling disappears. It seems to a woman that she looks better, but this is a deceptive effect. In fact, the natural aging process is on its own, but it is invisible to the eyes.
It is necessary to choose a cream on a natural emulsion basis – a carrier-solvent, which will enable other active ingredients to penetrate into the layers of the skin. Thus, beneficial substances will perform their functions, preserving your beauty and youth.
Natural oils such as olive oil or jojoba oil are often used as emulsion bases. However, mineral oil should be avoided as it is a refined product. Although it has a high degree of purification, this component is still foreign to human skin.
Skin type
Even a high-quality cream can harm your face if it is not suitable for your skin type. Women with dry skin need to use products that provide intense hydration during the day and active nutrition at night.
Most skincare products are suitable for girls with normal skin. If the skin of the face is combination or oily, it needs matting and normalization of the sebaceous glands.
How to properly apply the cream on the face and around the eyes
Problem skin needs special care. In this case, the cream should not clog the pores, otherwise there will be more rashes and blackheads. It is recommended to use the nourishing cream 2-3 times a week. In the composition of moisturizing creams, it is desirable to have bactericidal components.
People prone to allergies need to buy only hypoallergenic cosmetics. When buying a product, do not be guided only by its appearance and smell. An overly pronounced aroma most likely indicates poor quality, or, perhaps, this is just a marketing ploy.
Quality cosmetics are usually sold in glass jars rather than plastic tubes. Read the ingredients on the packaging carefully.
The shelf life is also of great importance. The longer it is, the more harmful components are in the composition. Especially dangerous products, on which the composition is not indicated at all. In no case should you buy such creams.
Many women hope for a positive result immediately after the first application of the cream. However, the effect can only be noticed after two to three months of regular use.
Don’t trust the advertising promises to transform your skin in a week. The processes of withering of the epidermis occur gradually, and its restoration proceeds just as slowly.
Do not skimp on your health, because this is an invaluable gift of nature. And remember that the beauty of the skin depends not only on cosmetics, but also on many other factors – nutrition, sleep, general condition of the body.
When wondering how to choose the right face cream, study all the nuances yourself or consult an experienced cosmetologist. This will help you avoid wasting money and possible damage to your health.