How to choose the right contact lenses?
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Contact lenses are a godsend for many people who suffer from visual impairment. They are more comfortable, more precise and do not disturb us in the same way as the glasses on the nose. How to choose the right lenses and what to watch out for when using them?

1. What are contact lenses?

2. Who can use contact lenses?

3. Wearing contact lenses – what should I pay attention to?

4. Daily lenses or monthly lenses – which one to choose?

5. What to watch out for when using contact lenses?

What are contact lenses?

If we have a visual impairment that prevents us from seeing the world around us normally, we usually reach for the glasses first. However, not everyone likes the idea of ​​wearing them all day long – we may not like how we look in them, and we may just feel bad about their elements constantly touching our nose or ears. The solution to this problem is to replace glasses with lenses or contact lenses. They are placed directly on the cornea of ​​the eye, so we do not feel them during use, and they fulfill their task to the same extent as classic glasses.

Who can use contact lenses?

As a rule, contact lenses can be worn by everyone, both children and adults. However, to be sure that they will be a suitable alternative to glasses for us, we need to consult our ophthalmologist. Some people may have contraindications to use this type of substitute, and in such a situation, do not go against the recommendations. The most common reasons why lenses will not be recommended for us are dry eye syndrome, hormonal disorders, and frequent eye infections, especially those that are recurrent. People suffering from diabetes should also not use them, because of the greater susceptibility to corneal damage. Lenses are also not recommended for pregnant women due to the wide range of changes that occur in the body during this period. In the case of children, it is important that there is a line of understanding between the child and parents, which will allow for the timing of changing lenses or removing them when necessary.

Wearing contact lenses – what should you pay attention to?

To choose the right contact lenses, we must first make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. During it, an eye examination will be carried out, which will determine our defect, and also help to determine the refraction of the eye, measure the curvature of the cornea and check whether we are producing tears properly. Collecting all this information is necessary to adjust the product exactly to our needs. During the examination, we will determine not only how much vision correction we need – the doctor may prescribe toric lenses, dedicated to astigmatics, or spherical lenses, intended for the correction of myopia and hyperopia. Remember that it is very important and we should not ignore the doctor’s instructions. Selected without consultation, cheap contact lenses can adversely affect our health if we choose to use them only because of the cost-effectiveness of the choice, and not whether they actually meet our needs.

Daily lenses or monthly lenses – which one to choose?

Monthly and daily contact lenses have their advantages and disadvantages. In the case of the copies that we replace each day, it is much easier for us to avoid problems related to eye infections. We also do not have a major problem when we use a swimming pool or other object of this type in the lenses – after swimming, it is enough to replace the pair of lenses worn with another one. One-day lenses do not need to be stored in a special liquid when not in use.

Two-week or monthly lenses provide us with a lower price per pair compared to the one-day option. Their use is more convenient, because we do not have to remember to constantly replenish the stock – just buy a new few days before the need for replacement. However, we must remember that lenses intended for longer use must be stored in the right conditions to keep them safe for us.

What to watch out for when using contact lenses?

It cannot be denied that the fact that we can wear contact lenses makes everyday life much easier for many people. However, in order for it to be healthy for us, we must remember about certain safety rules. First of all, we should never sleep in lenses: it makes it difficult to protect the cornea from microbes, because we do not blink during sleep, and the lens limits the access of oxygen and other necessary substances to the surface of the eye. Sleeping in contact lenses can result in a serious infection, and may even prevent us from continuing to use this method of vision correction.

Another thing that we need to pay attention to is putting on and taking off your lenses only after washing your hands thoroughly. If you notice discomfort after placing them on the cornea, you should also remove them immediately and contact our ophthalmologist.

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