How to choose the right cognac

A wide range of cognacs in our stores confuses an unprepared buyer. Due to the external similarity of the bottles, it is difficult to navigate and choose the right drink, especially since there are a lot of fakes on the market. Next, I will tell you what parameters you need to pay attention to when evaluating a particular bottle.

1. Origin

Cognac can only be called drinks produced in France. All the rest (Armenian, Georgian, Moldovan, Ukrainian, Russian) are grape brandies. The quality of real French cognacs is beyond doubt, their production is strictly controlled by the state, and the history of the best brands goes back several hundred years, they will not risk their reputation. The recognized leaders are: Hennessy, Rémy Martin, Courvoisier, Martell, Bisquit, Camus, Augier and Delamain.

The quality of grape brandy in other countries (especially in the post-Soviet space) is not controlled so carefully. Products are of different quality, many of these drinks are made using a technology that only remotely resembles cognac. For example, instead of aging in oak barrels, insisting on soaked oak sawdust is practiced, some distilleries dilute expensive grape alcohol with cheaper grain.

2. Price and place of purchase

It takes about 1 liters of young wine and several years of time to produce 10 liter of grape brandy, so good cognac cannot be cheap. This applies not only to French, but also to any other “cognacs”. If in one price segment (determined by the country of production and aging time) there is a brand, the cost of which is 30-40% lower than the market average, it is risky to buy it.

But a high price does not always guarantee excellent quality. Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to forge bottles even with good protection. The color, texture and smell of fake cognac is also not a problem for most scammers. These indicators are imitated chemically by adding dyes and special aromatic additives to cheap alcohol. The only way to minimize the risk is to buy cognac in specialized alcohol stores and large supermarkets, where quality certificates are shown at the request of the client.

How to choose the right cognac
Leaders are faked more often than others

3. Exposure

The fundamental factor in pricing. To balance the taste and aroma, most French cognacs are produced by blending (mixing) spirits of varying degrees of exposure. The age of cognac is determined by aging in oak barrels of the youngest spirit included in the blend. After bottling, age is no longer taken into account.

According to the French classification, which is necessarily indicated on the front of the label, cognacs are:

  • VS (Very Special) – at least 2 years;
  • Upper – 3 года;
  • V.S.O.P. (Very Superior Old Pale) – 4- года;
  • V.V.S.O.P. (Very Very Superior Old Pale) – 5 лет;
  • XO (Extra Old) – 6 years and older.

Interestingly, for cognacs older than 6 years, French legislation does not provide for a separate labeling. It is believed that the age of very old drinks cannot be verified by tasting.

“Cognacs” of the post-Soviet space are divided into three types: ordinary (ordinary), vintage and collection. Armenian and other ordinary cognacs are marked with asterisks. Each star on the label indicates the year of barrel aging. The most common options are 3 and 5 years.

The following inscriptions are found on branded drinks:

  • KV (Cognac Aged) – at least 6 years;
  • KVVK (Cognac Aged Top Quality) – 8 years and more;
  • KS (Cognac Old) – at least 10 years;
  • OS (Very Old) – 12 years or more.

The aging of collection cognacs starts at the age of 23.

Usually, the older the cognac, the more expensive it is. But this does not mean that aged drinks have amazing organoleptic properties, and young counterparts are much worse. It also happens vice versa. For example, many ten-year-old cognacs are characterized by a wonderful aroma, but a very mediocre taste. If you are not a connoisseur looking for unique notes, there is no point in overpaying for exposure. It is better to buy a good cognac aged 3-5 years.

With French brands, everything is simple – their quality is guaranteed. In the case of other brandies sold in Russia, in order to select the best drink, one has to evaluate the products of several equestrian houses.

4. Appearance and organoleptic

Real cognac is sold only in glass bottles and never in plastic ones, since plastic, combined with strong alcohol, causes a chemical reaction that releases harmful substances. The bottle itself must have a properly glued label with no traces of glue and a cork made of wood, silicone or pressed sawdust, and not just a metal shell. Real cognac is always transparent, without turbidity, impurities or sediment.

How to choose the right cognac
Color of cognac of different exposure

To indirectly check the consistency before buying, the bottle is turned upside down. If one large drop fell from the bottom or oily marks appeared on the glass, it is highly likely that the quality is high. Even after turning over, large bubbles should rise first and only then small ones.

How to choose the right cognac
Real cognac oily

This cognac has a pleasant aroma, slightly changing when heated. There should be no pronounced smells of alcohol, kerosene or acetone, which indicate that alcohol-containing liquids of unknown origin have been added to the drink.

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