How to choose the right beef on the market: which part, soft meat

How to choose the right beef on the market: which part, soft meat

If you don’t like beef, chances are you just don’t know how to pick and cook it. This is a delicious and healthy product that can be prepared in many different ways. Learn how to choose beef for gravy, soup, and more.

How to choose soft and fresh meat in the market or in the store

Better to buy fresh rather than frozen beef. Not only is it more useful, it is also much easier to choose.

How to choose beef for different dishes

Here’s what to look out for:

  • fresh beef is always only bright red, without greens and dark spots. If it is brownish, then it is old and tough;
  • the fat should be white. Yellow fat is a sign of toughness. In young beef, the fat is slightly crumbled, and the most expensive and high-quality is literally penetrated with thin layers of fat;
  • slight airing on the cut is allowed, however, there should be no crusts on the beef;
  • fresh beef smells nice, it has no foreign aromas;
  • after pressing with your finger on a piece of beef, the fossa from the finger should immediately be smoothed out. If the hole remains, the beef will be tough;
  • quality beef is not cheap. Especially expensive country beef from cows that were raised on hay and grass.

If you do take frozen beef, check the expiration date and inspect the packaging, it should not be damaged. Avoid pieces that are too ice-covered.

What part is right to take for certain dishes

Even the best piece of beef can be spoiled by improper cooking. If you want to roast beef, choose lean and tender cuts – fillets, rump, thick or thin rim. For baking, take meat with a fat layer to make the dish juicy. Fillet or tenderloin will do.

If you are cooking jellied meat, do not put only beef bones in it, the ratio of meat to bones should be equal. Add the shank, tails and shanks, because there is so much gelling substance in them.

Any piece is suitable for a stew, as it is processed by long stewing. Most importantly, try not to take the leanest areas. Sides, brisket, thigh, and thick hem are ideal. For a rich soup, use chunks of beef with cartilage, tendons, and large bones.

Beef is not only tasty, but also healthy. However, you can only experience all its benefits if you choose a quality product with a normal shelf life. Be careful when shopping.

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