How to choose the perfect alcohol for barbecue to reveal its taste

We recently started talking with friends about the menu for the Christmas table. It was unanimously agreed that barbecue – to be! The question arose only in what kind of alcohol to drink it.

Yes, vodka-beer have already become classic drinks for this dish. But on Christmas, you want something special. Let’s see what kind of alcohol can be combined with grilled meat.

What alcohol is best for barbecue

Shish kebab is a favorite dish that has long been found not only in the summer menu. A properly selected alcohol will help to fully reveal the taste and aroma of meat. Or completely kill all the long efforts to prepare. I advise you to follow a few simple rules:

  1. An unusual, pungent, sometimes unpleasant smell, characteristic of some meats, such as lamb, can interrupt the taste of alcohol. Therefore, it is better to take merlot-based wines with a dense texture. For example, “Red Diamond”. The same rule applies to fatty meats.
  2. The taste of tender meat (chicken, duck) is easy to score, so it is better to open sweet or semi-sweet wine, light beer to it.
  3. The taste of slightly dried barbecue can be corrected by light drinks – dry wines, cocktails with a small degree, light beer. Such alcohol can be washed down with meat much more often, and sourness copes with thirst. A suitable type of wine is Pinot Grigio, and beer “Zatetsky Goose Light”.
  4. Alcohol with a neutral or herbal bouquet (Becherovka, gin, vodka) will unobtrusively emphasize the flavor of any meat.

Strong alcohol

In cold weather, strong drinks will come in handy. Yes, and the barbecue itself is a satisfying dish. Dark rum – the famous “Bacardi” and spicy “Captain Morgan” – perfectly complement the barbecue. Served with juicy red meat both in pure form and in cocktails.

Advice. It is better to mix with other drinks white varieties of rum, which, with their mild taste, are distinguished by high strength.

Cognac and whiskey are not so appropriate because of their rich taste. Poultry shish kebab is best washed down with port wine, which replaces red table wines. Try Portuguese brands of drinks: Barros Tawny, Andersen Fine Ruby.

From summer picnics, a combination of vodka (Grey Goose, Finlandia) and pork skewers is common. It is also relevant on New Year’s Eve. Both meat and alcohol have a weak aroma, which means they complement each other perfectly.

But I would recommend homemade or store-based vodka-based tinctures, for example, Khortytsya Red Berry, which is close in berry flavor to classic tinctures.

Weak alcohol

Traditionally, barbecue is washed down if not with vodka and beer, then with wine. But the variety and strength is selected directly for the meat and the cooking method:

  • medium-sweet white wine from Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling grape varieties combined with chicken or fish barbecue;
  • rich, strong red wine “Steakwine” Malbec or dense “Tussok Jumper” Shiraz for turkey and lamb;
  • not too spicy red Cabernet for pork, it is better to take Spanish or Italian wines, which are softer in taste than French ones;
  • slightly tart red is better to drink veal, for example – “Author’s wine” Pinot Noir-Merlot from Fanagoria.

The main argument in favor of wines, in my opinion, is sourness. Separately, I want to note the charming Rieslings, perfectly balanced in sweetness.

Due to their high acidity, they are combined with many dishes, including meat. Dry wines are more suitable for pork barbecue, sweet wines for chicken or fish.

Advice. Dry rosé wines go well with many dishes, but you shouldn’t open them with meat kebabs. Meat will drown out the taste of these light drinks.

Choose a foamy drink according to the fat content of the meat. So, I would take the most dense and fragrant dark porters “Krusovice Cerne” or “Vorstadt Ale” to complement juicy lamb or beef with pepper sauce, and the classic light lager from the Kruger brewery without particularly noticeable flavors – for pork. For chicken, it is better to take light varieties without the bitterness of hops: Hoegaarden, Kozel.

A good option for weak alcohol with an unobtrusive smell is vermouth. Herbal tincture is easy to drink with a dry shish kebab. Also, the drink goes well with various spices often used for marinade.


Picking up cocktails for barbecue is difficult. Yes, and mixed drinks act more as an aperitif than a full-fledged alcoholic addition to the dish. They will appeal to those who do not favor alcohol in its pure form. Many of them require a minimum of ingredients for self-preparation:

  1. “Screwdriver”. Prepared on the basis of orange juice and vodka in proportions of 2:1 or 1:1.
  2. Rum (cognac) with cola. Mixed in an amount of 1:1. Don’t forget the ice.
  3. “Bloody Mary”. Vodka, whiskey or tequila – 50 ml, tomato juice – 100-120 ml, a little lemon or lime juice. The components are mixed in a glass or gently poured over the blade of a knife in layers. The cocktail is seasoned with a pinch of black pepper.

Such cocktails are suitable for barbecued pork or lamb. Winter barbecue (especially from white meat) is perfectly complemented by warming cocktails: mulled wine or grog.

For red meat, prepare liqueurs with a slightly sour taste and strong aroma: nutty, herbal. You can dilute them with soda or vodka – to a stronger version, after diluting it with ice water. Do not overdo it. It is important to preserve the taste and smell of the main aromatic drink.

Of course, someone is completely neutral to alcohol and enjoys the pure taste of meat, someone chooses light wines for a festive mood, while others are not averse to adding something stronger. Have you already chosen the perfect combination of alcohol and meat for New Year’s Eve?

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health! Take care of yourself!

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