How to choose the healthiest packaged Serrano ham from the supermarket

How to choose the healthiest packaged Serrano ham from the supermarket


Looking at the amount of meat and its additives is essential to choose the best option

How to choose the healthiest packaged Serrano ham from the supermarket

Some slices with the toast for breakfast, as an aperitif before eating the weekend, as a sandwich for a snack … Serrano ham It is a “very ours” food and we like it so much that we always see a way to include it in our diet. And although if we think of a ham leg of those that usually “arrive” at Christmas it makes our mouths water, we do not always have the option of buying one. For this reason, it is normally chosen to buy slices of packaged Serrano ham and, of course, we are again faced with one of these cases in which we must look closely at its label to know exactly what we take home.

The very first thing to look at, more than the nutritional composition of the product, is its list of ingredients. «It has to have a high percentage of meat. A list of ingredients that is too long may be an indication that the ham we are buying is not the best option ”, explains Fernando Carrasco, dietician-nutritionist at Nutrygente.

Types of ham

For her part, Laura I. Arranz, doctor in nutrition, pharmacist and dietician-nutritionist, comments that it is important to know “what” we want to buyWell, many times we say generically Serrano ham, when we find several types.

Explain that if the ham is not Iberian it will be Serrano ham or cured white pork ham; if it is Iberian it can be acorn, field bait and bait. The difference lies in the healing time. In the first group it is usually, in one case between seven and 15 months, and in another between 12 and 15. If we talk about the Iberian, the process is longer: between 14 and 36 months.

What ingredients does Serrano ham have

Regardless of what variety of ham it is, the nutritionist leaves a llist of other ingredients that we can find on the packaged Serrano ham label:

– Preservatives such as nitrites and nitrates

– Antioxidants such as sodium ascorbate (or vitamin C)

– Acidity correctors

– Sugars to maintain adequate humidity in the product

– Salt to adjust its flavor and homogenize it

Even with this, the professional remembers that “the ingredient that it should have is ham and some nitrites and nitrates, as they act as preservatives and are authorized by the regulations.” For his part, Fernando Carrasco points out that although the ham contains salt and some additives, such as preservatives or stabilizers, “the presence of ingredients like sugar, dextrose or an excessive content of additives are not a good sign.

How much ham can we eat per day?

Regarding how much serrano ham we can include in our diet, without it ceasing to be healthy, Laura I. Arranz’s recommendation is about 30 or 50 grams, “especially avoiding any external fat that it may have.” Remember that we are faced with a product with fat and saltTherefore, for example, if we have overweight or hypercholesterolemia problems, it is better to remove the fat and if we have high blood pressure problems, avoid its habitual consumption.

Fernando Carrasco says that a good option may be to include it in breakfast, but without it being an abundant amount. He also adds that it is good to keep in mind that there are “other protein options to add to our toast or sandwich that will be less caloric due to their lower fat content.” “There is no exact rule and recommendation, but, for example, it is not the same to have a salad for dinner and eat 50 grams of ham with some bread and tomato, than to have had some croquettes or meatballs for dinner and then eat ham”, concludes Laura I. Arranz.

What about the white streaks of the ham?

One of the main characteristics of Serrano ham are the white streaks that we can find in the slices. «White streaks or intramuscular fat usually indicate quality of the ham and are usually more frequent in Iberian ham. In this case, it is a somewhat healthier fat than that of Serrano ham since it is less saturated “, explains nutritionist Laura I. Arranz. To know if this is better or worse at first glance, it indicates that we must pay attention to whether the fat in the ham is very white and opaque. «This means that it is more saturated and therefore not so suitable for our health; If the fat is whitish but somewhat translucent or not so solid, it means that it is less saturated and healthier, ”he says.

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