How to choose the best salmorejo in the supermarket
The order of the ingredient list and the amount of salt are two keys to taking home the healthiest

The gazpacho, the ajoblanco and of course, the salmorejo. There are few dishes that scream more good time than these. And it is that these simple, fresh and very rich elaborations, become part of the summer menus as soon as the temperatures rise a little.
El gazpacho It is a traditional dish that divinely fulfills the function of the first course. The main ingredients of the classic salmorejo are tomato, stale bread, olive oil and garlic. “Although garlic and bread are common elements in both elaborations, in salmorejo they have a greater presence when used in greater quantity. The same happens with the oil, which is used in greater quantity when making the salmorejo. Vinegar is only used in gazpacho », explain dietitians-nutritionists Laura Llorente and Elena Toledano, from the Centta Institute.
Although it is a simple recipeMany times due to lack of time we choose to buy the salmorejo already prepared. If we are going to do this, it is important to take several things into account to take the healthiest one home.
What to look at on the salmorejo label
The first thing, nutritionists say, is look at the list of ingredients, since they are ordered from highest to lowest according to their percentage of appearance of the product. “It is very important to ensure that there is presence of extra virgin olive oil in its preparation”, remember the professionals.
On the other hand, it is essential that the proportion of vegetables is specified. “This means that a salmorejo made from 76% tomato is not the same as one that is below 55%”, they warn and add that you have to look at the percentage of salt in the product. «Almost always all of them exceed two grams per 100 ml, although we have to bear in mind that there are certain preparations that have less added salt; it is usually specified on the packaging “, they specify.
So, when we look at the ingredient list, the ideal would be for the tomato to appear as the main ingredient, although it can also be indicated as ‘vegetables’. Also, it is important avoid those with low-quality vegetable oils.
If we manage to overcome laziness and prepare the salmorejo at home (which will always be the best option), the important thing for it to be healthy is opt for natural ingredients and not go overboard with salt. A trick of the nutritionists is the following: instead of opting for a white bread, we can opt for a whole grain or gluten-free one. To which we must pay special attention to the ‘toppings’ that we use when eating it. “It is not the same to add fried croutons to a hard-boiled egg: the second option would be preferable, since it is healthier and we also provide quality protein”, explain Laura Llorente and Elena Toledano. They leave as healthy ‘toppings’ options that can be added: pepper, tomato, onion, fresh cheese, tuna, Serrano ham, seeds, nuts, olives or pieces of fruit.
Salmorejo or gazpacho?
Although gazpacho and salmorejo are similar dishes, have some differences. Both are cold dishes based on tomato, olive oil and garlic. The salmorejo always has bread, while the gazpacho always has other vegetables, such as cucumber and pepper, as well as it is seasoned with vinegar. In addition, water is added to the gazpacho in the grinding, while in the salmorejo it is only used to moisten the bread. Therefore, the first has a more liquid texture and can be drunk and the second is like a cold cream. “Both gazpacho and salmorejo are a good option, especially for people who eat outside the home,” conclude the professionals.