How to choose tasty fruits and vegetables?
When it comes to fruits and vegetables, taste is one of the main criteria of choice and this is quite normal. We all want to feast in the kitchen! To choose tasty fruits and vegetables and use them very easily, here are some simple tips before, during and after the purchase.
Anticipate your meals to have ripe products at all times
The planning of the consumption of fruits and vegetables remains the most effective defense against food waste. Indeed, establishing menus in advance makes it possible to choose fruits and vegetables at different stages of maturity and according to their date of consumption. Beyond its practicality and its interest in combating waste, this method also makes it possible to facilitate the integration of fruits and vegetables into each meal. For a quick consumption, it is therefore recommended to choose very ripe fruits to keep close at hand so that you can remember to use them before they get damaged. On the contrary, for less imminent consumption, fruits and vegetables should be chosen very firm and, for some, kept cool for optimal conservation. Take the fruits out a few hours before eating them so that they have time to warm up and release all their flavors when you eat them.
How to choose and store fruits and vegetables?
After having planned the consumption of fruits and vegetables for the meals to come, it remains to know how to choose tasty fruits and vegetables. While some are not really a problem, others are a bit more complicated to choose:
- The melon : for a quality melon rich in flavor, be sure to choose a hard, heavy and fragrant fruit. When the peduncle is slightly detached from the fruit, it is also a sign that the fruit has swelled by gorging itself with sugar.
- The lawyer: although there are different varieties of avocados, the main distinction is between smooth-skinned avocados and granular-skinned avocados. The latter are generally better than the others. Also, be careful not to handle the avocado too much when choosing it so as not to damage it, a slight pressure on the stalk should be enough to spot a ripe avocado. Indeed, if the flesh around the peduncle is flexible, the avocado is ready to be tasted. Finally, an avocado can always be stored at room temperature, next to bananas or apples to speed up ripening.
- The pear : To choose the right pear, it is essential to know when it will be eaten. Indeed, a pear has a ripening time of about a week. Unlike other fruits, the color of the pear is not an indicator of ripeness, some varieties of pears remain green even when ripe. If the tail of the fruit comes off, the pear is overripe. On the contrary, if the flesh is flexible around the peduncle and the tail well attached, the pear is ripe.
- The tomato: like pear, choosing a tomato requires knowing the approximate date of consumption. Thus, brightly colored, heavy and supple tomatoes will be excellent to eat quickly. For a less close consumption, the tomatoes should be stored at room temperature. Indeed, the conservation of tomatoes in the refrigerator leads to an irreversible loss of flavor of the fruit.
- Pineapple: a sweet and tasty pineapple should be heavy and fragrant. Likewise, very green leaves are a guarantee of quality. Finally, if the central leaves come off easily, the pineapple is then ripe.
Tips to limit food waste from fruits and vegetables
Even when choosing tasty fruits and vegetables, it can happen that they ripen too quickly or suffer knocks causing bruising and the appearance of brown spots. In this case, it is common to have the reflex to throw away overripe or damaged fruits and vegetables. However, it is quite possible to make delicious preparations and avoid any waste. For example, compotes, soups, crumbles, mashed potatoes, fruit cakes or even smoothies are excellent ways to give plants a second life and to be able to enjoy tasty fruits and vegetables while limiting waste. In addition, this type of preparation often appeals to children!
In conclusion, making the choice of tasty fruits and vegetables should be anticipated well before filling your shopping basket. Indeed, the flavor of a fruit or a vegetable depends largely on its stage of ripening. Therefore, meal planning combined with taking a few good reflexes are often enough to regain the pleasure of consuming fruits and vegetables while fighting against food waste.