Buckwheat is perhaps one of the most common cereals in Russia. It is present in the diet of every person. It is very tasty and healthy. Let’s see what its benefits are, how to choose and cook it correctly.
The use of buckwheat
Its high protein content makes it a very valuable product for athletes. Buckwheat contains a huge amount of vitamins: vitamins A, E, H, almost all B vitamins, as well as almost all the elements necessary for our body: iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper and manganese. Due to its rich chemical composition, buckwheat porridge has a positive effect on the digestive system, immunity, improves blood composition, lowers sugar levels and promotes weight loss. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of buckwheat, it is hypoallergenic and suitable for any type of food, including children’s and dietary ones.
On store shelves these days, the choice of buckwheat is huge. You can find buckwheat at very different prices, in a variety of packages. Ready-made mixes are also sold for cooking, for example, with mushrooms or rice. How to choose the most delicious from all the variety and not be mistaken? Let’s consider further.
How to choose buckwheat
Buckwheat is of two types: unground and done. Kernels are whole buckwheat grains, and if done, they are ground. From the core, a crumbly porridge is obtained, which is suitable for side dishes, and from the done – a viscous porridge, which can be boiled in milk and made sweet. Porridge from Prodel is shown for people with gastrointestinal problems, weakened patients during the recovery period and small children.
Unground groats are mostly made from steamed grains. The lighter the cereal, the less heat treatment was, which means that more nutrients were preserved. That is why nutritionists recommend buying buckwheat of a lighter shade. The taste of light cereals in the finished form is more delicate, while dark cereals have a more pronounced and sharp taste.
You can find green buckwheat in organic food and health food stores. This cereal is made from buckwheat without heat treatment and marketers tell us that it is more useful. But this is not entirely true (calorizer). After cooking, green buckwheat acquires the same chemical composition as ordinary buckwheat, so if you want to get the maximum benefit, then eat green buckwheat in a raw, sprouted form. It can be added to salads and smoothies, it has a neutral powdery taste that has nothing to do with the taste of the usual buckwheat.
When choosing buckwheat in a store, be sure to pay attention to 4 things:
- Appearance It is desirable that the groats are clean, without litter and impurities.
- Color. The lighter the buckwheat, the softer the taste will be.
- Packaging integrity. Moisture can enter the cereal through damaged packaging and cause unpleasant mold processes.
- Expiration dates. They are usually indicated at the top or bottom of the package. The shelf life of buckwheat is 20 months.
How to store buckwheat at home
You brought buckwheat from the store and needs to be stored somewhere. As a rule, factory packaging is not the best option. This is inconvenient, the bag is constantly torn, the cereal crumbles. It is best to pour the cereal into a glass or ceramic jar with a tight lid. Store in a dark, dry and cool place. This does not apply to buckwheat in boiling bags. It is sold in cardboard boxes and there is not much of it. This will not last long, so you can store it right in the box.
How and How long to cook buckwheat
Buckwheat is very simple to prepare. Even a child can do it. It is recommended to rinse the groats first, especially if you bought the groats are not of the highest grade. Next, remove all the garbage and black unpeeled grains – all this spoils the taste of the finished dish. In production, buckwheat is carefully monitored for the presence of pesticides and herbicides, and, as a rule, all cereals that end up on store shelves are safe. But if you are still afraid, then soak the cereals for 6-8 hours in cold water, and then rinse. No pesticides will be left for sure.
There are a lot of buckwheat recipes and each housewife has her own secret of making this cereal.
1. For garnish, buckwheat is poured with water and cooked over medium heat for about 20 minutes. The ratio of water and cereals is 1 to 2, where one part of buckwheat and two parts of water. Porridge according to this recipe is of medium viscosity. If you add more water and cook a little longer, the cereal will boil down more and the porridge will be more viscous.
2. To cook a crumbly side dish for meat or vegetables, try lightly frying the cereals in a dry frying pan, and then boil in the same way as in the previous version. The porridge will turn out to be more crumbly.
3. Buckwheat porridge in bags does not require rinsing and is cooked in any amount of water. Krupa itself will take as much as it needs. This cooking option is good for those who do not like to clean the pot from porridge, as well as for lunch in nature or on a hike.
How to cook buckwheat without cooking
Many people fell in love with this method of cooking buckwheat porridge. Porridge is prepared by analogy with cold oatmeal. First of all, the cereal must be doused with boiling water for disinfection. Then drain the water and pour the cereal with milk, kefir or water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Where there is only one part of buckwheat, and three times more water. Cover the container with a lid and leave overnight. The porridge will be ready by morning. If you cook such porridge with milk or kefir, try adding apple and cinnamon or banana to it.
Be sure to include buckwheat meals in your diet. She’s incredibly helpful. And following simple recommendations for the selection, storage and preparation of cereals, you will not be mistaken, your dishes will only delight you.