Soap is a super healthy product that helps keep our hands and body clean. Its only drawback is that the remaining remnants are completely inconvenient to use, and it is often a pity to throw it away. To help you in this dilemma, we have collected several dozen ways to use soap for your beauty and household use. Due to its composition, it is absolutely natural, contains up to 72% fats and alkali – a pH level of 11-12 is considered the maximum permissible for human skin. It does not cause allergies at all, but it perfectly destroys bacteria. And the cost of a piece is low, which makes it an indispensable assistant.
1. Washing your face once or twice a week with laundry soap, you will forget about acne, because it perfectly dries and disinfects the skin due to alkali. However, after washing your face, apply a moisturizer right away.
2. You can save yourself from ARVI by moistening cotton pads in a solution of laundry soap and treating the sinuses.
3. A bar of toilet soap is a great air freshener in a suitcase or closet.
4. If you are a sauna lover, dip a birch broom in soapy water to cleanse your skin even better.
5. You can collect small fragments by walking with a damp bar of soap over the place where the glass was broken.
6. By spraying the plants chosen by aphids with soapy water, you will quickly get rid of the misfortune.
7. The fungus will go away if you rub the affected area with a coarse brush and laundry soap and treat with iodine. The procedure must be repeated until healed.
8. If you are itchy from a mosquito bite, walk over the area with a damp bar of soap.
9. Filling a spray bottle with soapy water can be an excellent insect repellent.
10. To prevent the glasses from fogging up, cover them with soapy water and wipe them clean.
11. Soften stiff leather shoes by rubbing the inside with softened soap.
12. Can’t take off the ring? Lather it and hold your hand under water.
13. Do you like picnics? Before putting the pan on the fire, wipe it with dry soap to protect the pan from soot.
14. Rub the soap down on your nails before fiddling with flowers or in the garden to prevent dirt from getting under your nails.
15. To stop squeaking doors, wipe their hinges with soap.
16. A folk recipe will help to remove cracked heels! Make a bath of 2 liters of hot water, 1 tbsp. l. flakes of laundry soap and 1 tsp. soda.
17. Before hammering in a nail, rub it with soap, then the tree will definitely not crack.
18. You can prepare your home for the winter cold by making a paste from remnants and using it to seal the windows with paper.
19. To make drawers and windows easier to open and close, lubricate them with soap.
20. You can check for a gas leak by wiping the gas line with a piece of soap – if soap bubbles appear, then there is a problem.
21. You can prevent the zipper from seizing by running a bar of soap along the zipper.
22. The wallpaper can be easily removed if hot water and soapy flakes are applied to it.
23. Use laundry soap as a conditioner, then rinse your hair with water and a few drops of vinegar.
24. Loosen the tight lock by lubricating the key with soap.
25. Are you out of stain removal? Apply some soap moistened with water directly to the stain.
26. To sanitize your toothbrush, dip it in soapy water and let it sit overnight. Pour boiling water over in the morning. The trick can be repeated with a dishwashing sponge.
27. The markings on the fabric before sewing can also be done with soap.
28. Wiping a bruise or scratch with a solution of laundry soap several times a day will get rid of them faster. And if you apply it on the skin after depilation, you will avoid irritation and pimples.
29. Sewing the remnant into a piece of fabric makes a great pins and needles cushion. The soap will lubricate the ends and make them easier to use.
30. You can shave with soap!
31. By lubricating the saw teeth with soap, you will noticeably facilitate your work – it will be easier for it to enter the tree.
32. Soapy water is excellent for cleaning off dirt and stains on the floor. And by mixing soap shavings with mustard powder, you get an effective paste for the toilet, bathroom, sink and stove.
33. Even very dirty socks will be as good as new if you soak them in a bowl of soapy water. Laundry soap is also ideal for washing children’s clothes.
34. By putting the remnants in a special bag (or even a sock), you can make a self-soaping washcloth.
35. You can master the art of soap making and make new lumpy soap out of remnants! If you prefer liquid, dissolve the remnants in water and pour into a bottle with a dispenser.
36. If you get burned, cover the burn area as soon as possible with soap suds or moisten and attach a bar of laundry soap.
37. To smooth the trousers with arrows, turn them inside out and walk along the arrow with dry soap. Then iron them as usual.
38. Spraying the plants with soapy water will help get rid of aphids and other pests. Plus, unlike pesticides, it is absolutely safe.
39. If you are an artist, try washing your brushes to remove oil paint with soap.
40. Do you have ants? Put a bar of laundry soap in place of the accumulation – they will quickly disappear.