How to choose sneakers in your footsteps
Once upon a time, we all chose sneakers by color. Today, in order to choose sports shoes for yourself, you may or may not want to, but you will have to study a lot of parameters and boring characteristics. offers a revolutionary option: choose sneakers, focusing on your own footprints!
The size, stiffness, shape of the sole are the indicators on which it depends whether these sneakers are right for you. A sense of comfort is very important when doing sports. If you immediately managed to choose comfortable shoes for yourself, we can only applaud. Well, what if you’re unlucky? And the sneakers aren’t as good as you’d like? We offer a test with which you can easily determine what works best for your legs.
Fill a small container with water. Immerse your right leg in it – so that the whole foot is under water. Pull your leg out and place it on dark paper so that the dark mark is clearly visible. Now compare the resulting footprint with our pictures.
Neutral foot type
If you see a semi-curved trace on a piece of paper (see figure), and the heel and the front of the leg are connected by a narrow strip, then you have a neutral average instep.
Simply put, when you run, when your foot drops to the ground, the front of your foot rolls over to the outside. This helps in part to soften the blow. However, if the “rolling” is repeated too often, abnormal tension is created in the legs, which causes pain in the joints, most often in the knees.
This is the most common form of the foot in humans. Such legs do not require any special sneakers. In sports stores, these shoes are indicated by marks stability or neutral… Feature of these sneakers – a special supportive insole to reduce “rolling”.
Reebok, about 3000 rubles.
Saucony, about 1200 rubles.
Flat type of foot
If your footprint on a piece of paper looks like this, it means you have little or no instep. What is the problem? And the fact is that when the feet take all the weight of our body, the raises of the foot “refuse” to work, citing fatigue or God knows what else.
Flat feet are not worth running, it is better to contact orthopedists. Sports in the wrong shoes can injure your knees, shins and heels.
Look for sturdy, supportive sneakers marked motion-control. These shoes are easy to recognize – they usually have a wide sole and a tighter back than regular sneakers.
Adidas, about 3500 rubles.
Newbalance, about 3500 rubles.
High instep
So, your heel and the front of your foot are not tied together, and if they are, it is only a very thin strip. This type of foot is the rarest. “Rolling” occurs not on the inner, but on the outer part of the foot. Thus, the outer part takes on the weight of the body, it is more tense. And here it is important to very carefully approach the choice of sneakers – otherwise you cannot do without pain (at least) and injuries.
You want a flexible shoe with cushioning in the center of the outsole to cushion the force of impact on the ground. How do you recognize these shoes? Pay attention to the toes of the sneakers – they usually curl towards the toes. As for the soles, they are banana-shaped – that is, slightly curved.
Brooks, about 3200 rubles.
Asics, about 3600 rubles.
Based on materials from the website