How to choose rice for pilaf, rolls, sushi: what is real, high-quality

How to choose rice for pilaf, rolls, sushi: what is real, high-quality

Rice is the main ingredient in many cuisines around the world. If you want to cook from it not only ordinary porridge, but also various interesting culinary masterpieces, figure out how to choose the right rice.

Quality rice for rolls, sushi, pilaf

The most difficult thing is to choose this cereal for Japanese traditional dishes, since it should not crumble when finished, but should simply melt in your mouth. Round grain rice with a high starch content is suitable for this. The easiest way is to choose a package that says so: for rolls. Parboiled rice is not suitable for you. All grains should be opaque, without spots, and the same size. There should be no broken grains or husks.

How to choose rice for different delicious dishes

For pilaf, medium-grain or long-grain rice is suitable. The surface of the grains must be ribbed, not smooth. It is important that the rice absorbs water, fat and spices well during the cooking process. Also, it should increase several times during the cooking process and remain crumbly, and not stick together.

Rice lovers may argue about which rice is the right one. In fact, it is all correct, it just differs in varieties and types of processing. Let’s take a closer look at them:

  • polished rice. It is processed, during which all shells are removed. The grains in this case are smooth, white or even translucent. At the same time, milled rice can be round-grain, medium-grain or long-grain. It is one of the most famous species in the world as it cooks very quickly. The main disadvantage of polished rice is that it contains few useful microelements;
  • unpolished rice. It is not processed and remains in the casings. This rice can be red, black or brown. It is very healthy, but it takes much longer to cook. In addition, cooked rice is harder than polished rice;
  • parboiled rice. It is steamed. Thanks to this, each grain absorbs all the useful substances of the shell. After that, the grains are ground and the shells are removed. Such rice is cooked a little longer than polished. In finished form, it is soft, crumbly, and most importantly – healthy and tasty.

As for the varieties, there are a huge variety of them – arborio, basmati, jasmine, black Tibetan, camolino, etc.

Delicious rice dishes are the best reward for the right choice. Find the perfect rice and use it to make pilaf, risotto, paella, pudding and more.

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